Monthly Gizmo Inventory

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Revision as of 17:37, 27 February 2010 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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Instructions for monthly inventory go here.

  • Do this before opening on the first day of every month.
  • The count is up to the last day of the previous month. For example, the January count is done before opening on the first day of February.
  • All data entry of disbursements, recycling, donations, sales, etc., should be caught up before starting this process.
"Run a report"
This means run a gizmo report in the database. Start date is 2000-09-01 and end date is the final day of the last month counted.
"Run a monthly report"
Same as above, but start date is first of the month being counted and end date is the final day of the month being counted.
  1. Run a report to match the previous month's inventory.
    • Look for discrepancies from the report actually run during last month's inventory.
    • Enter adjustments as needed to make the start count correct.
  2. Run a report up through the month being counted. This is your starting report
  3. Run a monthly report for the month being counted. This is the Adjusted Monthly Activity report.
  4. Count the standard items in the building.
    • Do not count items that have not yet been entered into the database as received or returned.
    • Do not count items that have already been entered into the database as sold, disbursed, or recycled.
  5. Enter your numbers into a spreadsheet to calculate what adjustments must be made.
    • Print a copy of the spreadsheet. This is your adjustment report.
  6. Enter adjustments for the month being counted.
  7. Run a report for the month being counted. This is your ending report.
  8. Run a monthly report for the month being counted. This is the Adjusted Monthly Activity report.
  9. File the beginning and ending report for next month.


These can be assigned to people to count at the end of the day. Each assigned counter can be given a form listing the types of items to count. Most areas contain one or only a few types of items on the list, but any countable item in the area must be recorded (including items misplaced in the area).

List of areas

  • Meeting Room
  • Classroom
  • Thrift Store, including adjacent back storage room
  • Mac Land (east and west areas)
  • Laptops, including adjactent small and large storage rooms
  • Build Lab, excluding server build and excluding LCD testing
  • Server build
  • LCD testing
  • Holding tank (room off hallway closest to Mac Land)
  • System Evaluation, including overflow area 1 (near power supply storage) and overflow area 2 (up the hall closer to the front of the building.
  • Mac incoming (between Hardware ID and Adv Testing)
  • Receiving (east of System Evaluation up to the front of the building)
  • TVs (in warehouse at post straight ahead when entering from System Evaluation)
  • Printerland (to the left when entering the warehouse from System Evaluation, but also the shelf to the right when entering from System Evaluation, and going forward (north) to the TVs area.)
  • Monitors area (to the right when entering the warehous from System Evaluation up to and including monitor storage shelves. This includes the shelf along the wall separating the warehouse from System Evaluation.)
  • Hardware Grant Storage Shelf (south end of first shelf east of Monitors area)
  • Mac Storage Shelf (north end of first shelf east of Monitors area)
  • Regular system storage (the two main shelves at the eastmost end of the warehouse)

Items to be counted

Gizmo types to count in inventory:

  • TV-CRT
  • Monitor-CRT
  • System w/ CRT
  • System w/ CRT (Mac)
  • TV-LCD
  • Monitor-LCD
  • System w/ LCD
  • System w/ LCD (Mac)
  • Laptop
  • Laptop (Mac)
  • System
  • System (Mac)
  • Fax Machine
  • Multi-function Printer
  • Printer
  • Scanner