Hard Drive Sorting

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Hard drive sorting is done in System Evaluation. There should already be a tub for keepers and a bucket for recyclers.


First, check the tub for ones that should be recycled:

Create a temporary place for a recycle pile and put these in it:

  • Regular sized marked under 4 GB
  • Bigfoot drives marked under 8 GB

If the drive is not marked with a capacity, check the drive geometry (cylinders, head, sectors) information. If cylinders and head are 63 and 13, then half the number of sectors is the approximate size.

Next, check the bucker for ones that should be recycled:

Put these into the keeper tub:

  • Regular sized marked 4 GB or bigger
  • Bigfoot drives marked 8 GB or bigger

Use the drive geometry trick if necessary to determine the size.

Put all the recyclers in the bucket and all the keepers in the tub.

Jumpering the Hard Drives

Keepers should be jumpered to "single" or "stand alone" if such a setting is available. Otherwise, they should be jumpered to "master".

Where to put them

  • Hard drives in the Recycle bucket go straight to Recycling after they are signed off by the Eval instructor. There is no need to receive or label them.
  • Good Hard Drives go into the TARDIS (Build Office).