Sales Exploratory Position

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Being that I will be concentrating on some home remodel projects, and unable to attend the next meeting, here are some of my random thoughts about the store intern position, for your consideration. My years have taught me that change is a natural progression, and though I approach it with caution, I accept it within reason. Whatever the committee may decide, I will support any decision that is in the best interest of FG.

Previous intern postings were designed to offer job training to young persons who lacked any previous training. We did specify in that job description that technical knowledge was a plus, because we needed the intern to set up a test station, and assist the coordinator in testing all of the store items not normally tested at FG.

Today there seems to be a call for interns who possess more abilities in the area of display layout and marketing experience.

Should we assume that only a minimal amount of technical knowledge is required, and the intern will not be required to do any testing of parts for sale? If so, we will have to rely on our advanced testing group to get up to speed enough to supply the store regularly with those items we have been testing. This would free the store workers to spend more time on the labeling, order, display, and sales. Can advanced testing commit to doing that? I am concerned about that ability at present. We still do not have a consistent flow of tested motherboards, or SCSI hard drives, and the test stations for DVD's, CD-Burners, and Zip drives are still not built. We also need to provide a list of wants for cables and various other items, so the testing group can cull them out for the store. At present, they lack the core volunteers to keep up with the demands we want to make of them. Hopefully we can improve that situation prior to the hiring.

Most of the common interview questions would apply, including why they want the job, what they know of FG, and tell us about yourself.

The job description should be worded to state our desire to hire for a mere 20 hours, at pitiful pay, a person who has experience in sales, and is capable of improving our ability to organize, display, and label items for sale in a professional manner.

It should also include the usual traits, such as being on time, reliable, honest, and self-motivated. Duties will still include stocking, customer relations and sales, and should still require the ability to lift and carry at least 40 lbs.

The hours of work are negotiable, within the framework of the schedule and the agreements forged with the other store persons. And of course we need to include the temporary nature of the job, as it is limited to 6 months at present. However, if we are no longer offering this position as a training tool, HR may reconsider the duration requirements.

If any questions for me may arise, I will be monitoring my e-mail and respond as soon as possible.
