Naked calendars

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Revision as of 13:41, 14 November 2009 by Luiz (talk | contribs) (New page: if we ever want to do this again then here is the contact information Contact Info: Windy Wahlke, Organizer Email: Phone: 503-756-0517 FG currently has 10...)
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if we ever want to do this again then here is the contact information

Contact Info: Windy Wahlke, Organizer Email: Phone: 503-756-0517

FG currently has 10 calendars (1 for display/9 to be sold) The price will be $15.00. For each calendar sold, FG earns $7.50 and collects $7.50 for Windy. More calendars can be ordered through Windy.

Ref: [PR Committee agreed to allow sales of Naked Calendar in the thrift store.]