Milestone Thank You Letter

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Revision as of 18:59, 2 June 2011 by Elizabethwt (talk | contribs) (A page for thank you letters for volunteers who pass highly significant milestones)
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Dear ______their name_______,

Congratulations, you've passed your 1000+ milestone! Thank you so much for the time you've dedicated to Free Geek. By volunteering at Free Geek, you've helped keep computers out of landfills and away from overseas dumping spots, supported others in earning computers, assisted in the granting out technology to local and national organizations, supported the technical and vocational education of countless volunteers, and participated in a vibrant, diverse and accepting community that offers intangible and often invisible benefits to its members. Though you may not see it every day, your work has generated ripple effects throughout our community and has touched many lives. Hopefully, you've also had a lot of fun! Free Geek is a volunteer-driven organization which means that we are powered and guided by our volunteers. We wouldn't exist without our volunteers, and we truly appreciate you being a part of this ever-changing, often zany endeavor to make a difference.


________Area Coordinator__________

Dear ______their name_______,

Congratulations, you've passed your 2000+ hours milestone! Thank you so much for the time you've dedicated to Free Geek. By passing your 2000+ milestone, you've joined an elite club of volunteers who have supported Free Geek through the thick and thin. We are, quite frankly, humbled by your dedication. We hope that you will take a moment to reflect on the profound effect your work has had on the environment and on individuals and organizations within our community and beyond. The benefits of your efforts are far-reaching indeed. We hope that your work here continues to bring you joy and a sense of satisfaction. We wouldn't exist without volunteers like you, and we are honored to have you as part of our community. Thank you for being an engine behind this unique experiment to create a real change.


________Area Coordinator__________

Dear ______their name_______,

Congratulations, you've passed your 3000+ hours milestone! Thank you so much for the time you've dedicated to Free Geek. By passing your 3000+ milestone, you've joined an elite club of volunteers who have supported Free Geek through the thick and thin. We are, quite frankly, humbled by your dedication. We hope that you will take a moment to reflect on the profound effect your work has had on the environment and on individuals and organizations within our community and beyond. The benefits of your efforts are far-reaching indeed. We hope that your work here continues to bring you joy and a sense of satisfaction. We wouldn't exist without volunteers like you, and we are honored to have you as part of our community. Thank you for being an engine behind this unique experiment to create a real change.


________Area Coordinator__________