Laptop Ubuntu

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What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a stable, supported operating system built by expert developers as an open-source alternative to Windows and Office. It contains all the applications you need:

  • A web browser
  • Office suite
  • Media applications
  • Instant messaging
  • And much more at Ubuntu home

Ubuntu 10.04

This version, aka Lucid Lynx, provides noteworthy improvements over previous versions.

  • Download Ubuntu 10.04 [1]
  • Want to know what others do to customize Lucid?
  • Ubuntu 10.04 [Operation notes to come..Check back later]

Ubuntu 10.10

This version, aka Maverick Meerkat) is the current OS used by Freegeek and supports Skype as an add on.

Ubuntu 11.04

This version, aka Natty Narwhal is the new look and feel of Ubuntu Application Type Name Version Web Browser Firefox 4.0 Email Client Evolution 2.32.3 Photo Manager Shotwell 0.9.2 Video PlayerTotem Movie Player 2.32.0 Video Editor PiTiVi 0.13.5 Chat Client Empathy 2.34.0 Social Networking Client Gwibber BitTorrent Client Transmission 2.13 (11501) Optical Media Editor Brasero 2.32.1 Partition Manager Disk Utility 2.32.1 Notes Tomboy 1.6.0 | Application || Type Name || Version |- | O || O |- | O || O |- | O || O |- | O || O |- | O || O |- | O || O |- | O || O

How Do I Wipe a Hard Drive

Darik's Boot and Nuke is a freeware program available at Darik's It scrubs your hard drive squeaky clean to securely destroy all data and prep it for installation of a new operating system.