CRM Specs

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As Free Geek continues expanding its partnerships with the outside community, it has become necessary to have a system that can track these relationships in a consistent and measurable fashion - in other words, to have CRM Software. This proposal addresses the needs of such a system, how it could be utilized on an individual and organization-wide basis, the relative merits of such a system, and the steps necessary to implement it.

Vision A fully-realized CRM system at Free Geek would be used to

  • Track communications with outside organizations
  • Identify opportunities for new relationships
  • Identify relationships between individuals & organizations
  • Run reports

This is a wish list of specifications for CRM software.

  • Easily view donation, contribution, and volunteer history for each contact
  • Ability to make notes on each file with date stamp and name of person writing note
  • Send emails and/or newsletter - ideally connected to FG email account
  • Track & view any correspondence sent via software
  • Track occurrence of correspondence outside of software (phone calls, meetings, etc.)
  • Customize & easily run reports
  • Track job title, gender, birthdays, and relationships between contacts (partners, children, etc.)
  • Attach files to contacts
  • Indicate than an individual is the primary contact for an organization
  • Identify pricing tier to which donors belong, plus history of changes
  • Associate multiple addresses with organization if necessary (perhaps labeled with physical, mailing, & pickup)