Homebound Grants

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Homebound grants are a last resort option through which we can give computers to individuals who absolutely cannot make it in to Free Geek. We require that applications for homebound grants be made by a social worker or a caregiver. The caregiver or social worker must also agree to take our adoption class, transport the computer, and teach the homebound recipient how to use it. As with the build and adoption program, a homebound recipient can get one computer, keyboard, mouse, speaker set, and CRT monitor a year.


Homebound grants arose in response to a request from an individual to volunteer for Free Geek at home. Inreach came to the decision that administering a volunteer-from-home program would be too difficult, but we did want a way for homebound volunteers to receive computers and be educated in how to use them.

How To Process A Homebound Grant

Homebound Questionnaire

  • Name of Requestor (Must be a social worker or a caregiver!)
  • Contact Information for Requestor
  • What is your relationship to the recipient? (Note: you must be a social worker or a caregiver)
  • Name of Homebound Recipient
  • Contact Information for Homebound Recipient
  • Free Geek offers a variety of volunteer positions, some of which can be done while sitting down. By working in a close partnership with a volunteer, we are able to accommodate a wide variety of ability levels. Please do not assume you cannot volunteer for Free Geek until you have spoken to us about the opportunities available. Chances are, if you can get to Free Geek, you can volunteer. In some rare circumstances, however, it may be impossible for a volunteer to leave their house and come to Free Geek. If this is your situation, please explain why the homebound recipient cannot come to Free Geek.
  • Free Geek believes very strongly that all recipients of computers should have the proper training in how to use them. We *require* for a social worker or caregiver to come to Free Geek to and take a free, three hour Adoption Class. We then expect the social worker or caregiver to educate the recipient on how to use the computer. Are you willing and able to do this?
  • Free Geek cannot transport or ship computers. Are you able to bring the computer to the homebound recipient?

Reasons to Deny An Artist Grant

  • The person does not seem to be a legitimate artist.
  • No commitment to dispose materials environmentally.
  • It would take to long to fill.
  • They want things we could sell for a large profit. For example, if they want a lot of motherboards, we probably wouldn't approve the grant, as motherboards earn us a lot of money. Check in with the Recycling point person (Liane) or the Sales point person (Tony) if you aren't sure.