Using your Free Geek computer!

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Revision as of 18:34, 17 February 2012 by Dheiber (talk | contribs) (moved Resource Packet For Grants to Getting to know your Free Geek computer!: "Resource Packet" title could be confusing)
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Your organization is now the proud new owner of refurbished hardware from Free Geek! Here is some information we think would be vital for you to know.

password: freegeek
Freegeek Manual - **Follow the directions in this document when FIRST using your new computer**
If not on your desktop, click on "Applications" on the top of the screen, go to "Other" and select "Freegeek Manual".
Ubuntu Pocket Guide
This should appear on your desktop.
The operating system website - an excellent repository of information!
Documentation for Ubuntu version 10.04:
Looking for a Linux equivalent for a favorite program? Search the Internet for: "linux software equivalent" [your program]
If you keep Ubuntu on your system, you can call our techs with software and hardware questions. Sometimes they will ask you to bring your organization's computer to our location.
Tech Support Hours
Tuesday-Saturday: 12-6 PM
(503) 232-9350 option 6
1731 SE 10th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
Feel free to leave a message on the tech support voicemail if you are calling outside tech support hours.
If you need to get back in contact with the hardware grants group and/or your shepherd, either call or email.
Hardware Grants Group
(503) 232-9350 ext. 116