Leaving no trace in a digital world

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NOTE: I should have this formatted by the end of the day 7/24

Leaving No Trace In A Digital World

Purpose: To learn how to communicate safely, to protect your data and to obfuscate your identity and browsing history online and on your computer.

Forms of snooping


  • Privacy screens
  • Not typing passwords or using sensitive sites that may reveal an identity in front of others
  • Physical keyloggers
    • Checking the back of the machine if possible
    • Using another keyboard (Roll-up)
    • On-screen keyboard


  • Explanation of Domain Name System
  • How it can be tracked through things like OpenDNS
  • Tor vs. Tor Browser Bundle – DNS leaks

Computer Software

  • Malware or legitimate tracking software
    • Anti-spyware/root-kit/virus
  • Temporary files / Cookies / Browser History
    • Clearing in Windows
  • Universal privacy setting in Ubuntu

Route of Communications

  • Router Logs
    • VPNs – Privoxy/Hamachi/Proxy Switchy
  • Traceroute Example
  • ISP
  • Backbones
  • Government
  • End Site

Neutral Online Identity

  • Emails
  • User names
  • Firewalling real vs. nom-de-guerre
    • Never use “real” connection for alternate identity
  • What you write/release online

Portable TOR

Portable TOR is a program that runs without installation from USB or drive. It comes configured for pretty good anonymity out of the box – https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en

  • Plugin caveat
  • TBB Firefox vs. regular Firefox


TAILS is an amnesiac LiveCD/USB that writes nothing to the hard drive. It contains TOR, Pidgin, encryption tools and more - https://tails.boum.org/index.en.html

Suggest Firefox Plugins



1. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/


1. http://www.gnupg.org/

Enigmail plugin

1. http://enigmail.mozdev.org/home/index.php.html


Pidgin – IM/IRC/Skype – On TAILS with OTR

1. OTR plugin - http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/

2. End to end encryption for chats

3. Pidgin TOR set-up

1. Accounts → Choose account → Proxy Tab → Use “Tor/Privacy (SOCKS5)” → Set host to and port to 9050

Disk Encryption 1. Ubuntu encryption on install - $HOME

2. LUKS - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt_with_LUKS

1. gdecrypt as GUI

1. http://gdecrypt.pentabarf.de/screenshots.html

3. Truecrypt

1. http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads

2. http://linuxandfriends.com/2010/02/03/how-to-truecrypt-setup-on-ubuntu-linux/

4. Going through customs – outer encryption vs. inner hidden encryption

Erasing Files 1. Why they are not erased

2. secure-delete - http://superuser.com/questions/19326/how-to-wipe-free-disk-space-in-linux/19377#19377

Environment Checks 1. http://ip-check.info/?lang=en

2. http://www.cotse.com/proxycheck2.htm


Ixquick.com – search