Under Sixteen Contract

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So, you're under 16 years old and you've dutifully brought an adult supervisor with you to Free Geek every time you volunteered, and now, you feel like you're responsible enough to have a go at it alone. Awesome.

Complete These Steps

If you'd like to come here alone, you need to have done the following:

  1. Gotten the approval of one collective member and one staff or core member,
  2. Make sure we have an emergency name and phone number for you in our database, and
  3. Read and sign this form. A legal guardian and one of your Free Geek sponsors should, too.

Rules of Conduct

While you're here by yourself, you'll need to follow these guidelines:

  • Be accountable. If you cannot show up for a shift, please call Free Geek at (503)232-9350 at least a day ahead of time if at all possible. Also, please come to your volunteers shift on time and ready to work.
  • Stay in your assigned area (within reason). Generally speaking, you should stay in the area you signed up to work in. If you need to go somewhere else to ask someone a question or get a necessary part, fine. We just don't want to see you flitting from room to room, rifling through stuff and causing a disturbance. This is a place of business and we need to get work done.
  • Communicate. Talk with a trusted Free Geek staff or core person about any problems or questions that arise.
  • We have a very strict policy regarding theft, harassment of any kind, or assault. If we catch you doing these things, you may be immediately expelled from Free Geek.
  • Free Geek is open to all people, no matter what their physical or mental abilities, and we respect diversity. We expect you to do the same.