User:Rfs/Volunteer Agreement

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Volunteer Agreement:

I have read (or had someone read to me), I understand, and I agree to follow Free Geek's Volunteer Orientation Packet. I certify that the answers I have given in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform for Free Geek in my volunteer capacity and agree to hold Free Geek harmless for any injury(s) to me or my personal property in which I might sustain from my volunteer activities. Such duties might include, but are not limited to, disassembling electronics, lifting and carrying various items, and other volunteer duties.

I offer to volunteer my services to Free Geek, Inc. I understand that I will not be paid in any way, and am not an employee of Free Geek. I understand Free Geek reserves the right to dismiss volunteers for any reason.



Parent or Legal Guardian (of volunteers 17 and younger)

As a parent or guardian of the above-named volunteer, I hereby give my consent for my child or ward, as the case may be, to become a volunteer for Free Geek as described in the the above Volunteer Agreement and, by the signature below, join in and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement above.




Back of Card Text

The volunteer emergency injury card needs some additional text, should go on the back:


Text: Probably not. This is more likely a volunteer related injury. Medical professionals are required to ask about work related injuries to determine if the incident is covered by our Workers Compensation policy. If you are a volunteer and are injured, you are most likely covered by our volunteer accident insurance policy (information on the reverse side of this card), and we would not expect you would be covered by our workers compensation policy. You may want to show this to whoever asks you the above question.