This is a wiki page concerning bands for GEEK FAIR.
== Confirmed Bands == be sure to check out the Geek Fair Schedule, a work in progress
Inside Stage
- Raina Rose - Acoustic Song-Writer Prodigy - sample
- Folkrum - Roots Rock - sample
- Dorado - Local Alt-Funk Trio - sample (earlier the better-1pm?)
- Tre Music with Dan Mills - Acoustic Ear Nectar - sample of Tre
- Vivian's Keeper - Smart Pop - sample
- Like a Circus Fire - Indie Punk
Outside Stage
- Empty Room - Post-punk New Wave Experience
- Beliss - Jazzy Folk-Pop Sister Duo - sample
- Trashcan Joe - Homebrewed Ragtime - sample (earlier the better)
- The Bad Mintons
- The Vulturines - Melodic Gypsy Punk - sample (after 5pm)
- SweetJuice - Alt-Folk Rock - sample
- Black Peppercorns - Minor Punk Band
Off-Stage Performance
- Chunk 666 - Mutant Tallbike Youth Brigade
- Clown House - Tall Mutantbike Clown Brigade
- Sprockettes! - D.I.Y. Synchronized Dance Troupe
Not Confirmed
- Jasmine & the Hula Hoop Girlz
- Stryper
- The Jackson Five
- Trash Can Joe
- Clown House
- Black Peppercorns
- Sprockettes
- Dorado
- Vulturines
- Sprockettes
- Vivian's Keeper