QC checklist

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There is a version of this checklist in Spanish for use in Spanish Build; that version is located here.

Welcome to the Build Workshop! Quality checking a few systems that others have built will be your first step, then you'll be ready to move on to assembling and checking software on systems.

Work through every step as well as you can, and then ask a neighbor or your Build instructor if you still have questions. Try and learn the reason for each of the steps: this knowledge will come in handy later when, inevitably, things aren't going as smoothly.

Use your resources! There are lots available to you - your neighbor, the Build assistants and instructors and, of course, the internet. Searching the web for answers to the challenge you are facing is one of the best ways to learn. You can also access tips and troubleshooting ideas on our wiki (http://wiki.freegeek.org) under Build tips or in our Troubleshooting Guide (http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Build_Troubleshooting_Guide).


Check what needs to be quality checked

  • Grab a system from the QC shelves in the build room, and carry it to an open Build station.

Do you hear a rattling noise, caused by a screw or other loose component, upon moving the system?

  • If so, find the culprit and secure/remove it.

Is the case properly put together and secure?

  • If not, fix it!

Are all slots and bays covered?

  • If not, cover 'em! Check to make sure they're screwed in tightly by pushing on each one with your finger - if a slot cover falls out it can short out the motherboard.

Do you see more than one video, sound, or network ports?

  • Later, when you're testing audio, headphone jacks and standard sound ports should be tested.
  • Orange/Black/Gray sound ports are surround sound and do not need to be tested.
  • Any damaged ports will need to be reported to the build instructor or staff member on duty.

Are there branded hardware tags on the faceplate (identifying original components such as RAM, HDD, Optical Drive etc)?

  • If there are, take them off.
  • Make sure to remove "City of Portland Help Desk" stickers from the case.

DO NOT remove Microsoft Windows Certificates of Authenticity, FG-PDX, "uncovered electronic device" Processor/graphics tags or Green Light stickers.

Is the system exterior clean?

  • If not, use cleaner and rag to clean. The vacuum cleaner will help remove dust clogged in case fans. Hand sanitizer, Goo Gone and/or isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol can help loosen any stickers; ask your instructor where to find scraping tools to remove them.

Open up the system and check inside for:

  1. Blown capacitors (If found, the system must be rejected!)
  2. What type of DDR RAM your system has installed - write this down
  3. The RAM speed (will be the second number on the sticker) - write this down
  4. Any dust accumulation - please vacuum or brush it out!

Attach monitor, keyboard, mouse, network, sound and power cords


Get into BIOS (Setup)

  • Turn on the computer. If you see a flash screen before boot-up, it will give the keystroke to enter BIOS, and the keystroke for a Boot Menu, if applicable. Delete, Escape, F1, F2, F9, F10, F12 and Enter are typical.
  • Get into BIOS, and write down both the BIOS and Boot Menu keystrokes; this info will come in handy later.
  • If you see "Ubuntu" on your screen, you have gone too far; reboot from the power button icon on the bottom-right corner of the screen, and try again. All BIOS are different. Feel free to explore how the BIOS you're using is set up.

Check boot order

  • It should be: 1st- CD-ROM; 2nd-Hard Drive. If possible, disable other boot device options, such as floppy (sometimes called Diskette), network, or USB. Depending on the BIOS model, you may need to enable active drive ports and disable inactive ones, in addition to arranging them in the boot sequence.

If possible, edit the following setting:

  • Enable Quick Boot (may be called "Fast Boot" in some BIOS)

Save and exit BIOS

  • The system should boot to the Mint operating system.


Login to the system

  • username will be Default User
    password = freegeek

What Specification Category does the system fall under?

  • Compare the CPU speed listed on the system's Green Light sticker with the FREE GEEK Specification Sheet, or "Spec Sheet," on the wall to determine the category of specifications, or "specs," to which the system should be built. If you aren't sure what type of box you are working with, please check with your instructor to see how to proceed.

Is the system standard?

  • Check the Spec Sheet on the wall to see what else should be installed for your spec category, then compare your system's spec category to the Build Printme document saved to the Desktop. Does the box have any parts that are extra, or missing, or built to incorrect specifications? Take out and replace parts as necessary to ensure that all specs are correct, paying special attention to properly seating/securing parts to ensure that they won't come loose. Ask an instructor if you are unsure how to do this.

Update the software

  • Click on Menu >> System >> Update Manager. When the Update Manager pops up, click "Check" to find updates, then if any updates appear, click "Install All." It may take some time to download and install packages, so feel free to continue on with other steps while this runs in the background.

Find the terminal icon on the launcher panel at the bottom of the screen

  • Navigate to the bottom of the screen with your mouse. A launcher panel will appear, with the terminal icon >_, click it to open a terminal window.

Stress test the system for a few minutes

  • navigate to your terminal and run "stress-test". Wait a few minutes while it runs, and look for error messages. If you want to know more about what it's doing, open up another terminal and run "man stress". This may take some time; feel free to continue on to the next step while you wait.

Run "basiccheck"

  • Click on the terminal icon to open it. Type "basiccheck", then press enter to begin the program. There are basiccheck checklists hanging on the supply shelves which will help with verifying whether each test passes or not. Feel free to ask your peers and the instructor what parts of basiccheck mean so that you understand what each test is checking. When you're finished, close the terminal.

Test USB

  • Plug in a USB mouse, see that the cursor moves and can interact with things.
  • Repeat with all USB ports, including ports on the front of the system, if any.
  • If any ports don't work, they may need to be enabled in BIOS; ask your instructor how to proceed.

Check date and time

  • Displayed in the right corner of your top panel. If incorrect:
  1. Make sure network cable is plugged in.
  2. Navigate to Menu>>>Settings>>>Settings Manager
  3. Open the Calender, set Time Zone to America/Los Angeles

Play an audio CD

  • Do you hear what you expect? Is it loud enough to be heard easily? Repeat for each optical drive. Also repeat for any additional sound ports. If any sound ports (typically colored green, sometimes blue) don't play audio, cover them up with port covers or electrical tape. If you have functional onboard sound, and a sound card, the card will need to be removed and replaced with a slot cover.
  • If you have surround sound ports (usually orange and gray) ignore them; we do not have the means to test this function.

Read data CD

  • If your file browser (listed under Places in the top panel) sees files on the drive, it can read data files. Repeat for each optical drive.

If you have a DVD Drive, Read DVD

  • Insert a video DVD (movie, TV show, etc.). A media player should open automatically and the DVD should start to play. If you are prompted to search for suitable plugins or codecs close the message and the media player, then check with an instructor. Repeat for each DVD-ROM drive.

If you have an Optical Drive with CD-RW function, as of 12/20/13 we are no longer testing this function

If you have an Optical Drive with DVD-RW function,as of 12/20/13 we are no longer testing this function

Remove all CDs and DVDs from the drive(s)

Reboot the system

  • Open a terminal and type sudo reboot. Wait while it reboots, and ensure that the system powers on and offers a login screen without user intervention (e.g. requiring you to "press F1 to boot.")
  • If it doesn't boot smoothly, double-check your boot priority options in BIOS and try again.

Run "printme" from terminal

  • From a terminal, type "printme," this will generate a questionnaire in Command Line.
  • Refer to your written notes for the RAM type and speed, the BIOS key and Boot Menu key, if applicable.
  • When it asks what is notable about this system, refer to the white board for what should be included, and ask your instructor for any needed clarification. Press enter to create a web document.

Copy system ID (IMPORTANT!)

  • Copy the system ID from the printme onto a blank sticker and put it on back of computer, ideally in a location that isn't covering any fans, other ventilation, or removable case parts such as slot covers.

Add Free Geek Sticker

  • Affix on the front of the system, in a sensible location! (Usually adjacent to or above/below the Processor tag)

Check in with Build Instructor

  • The Build Instructor will check the printme and edit it to sign it off.
  • Your instructor may ask you to replace certain components, which will require re-running the "printme" form. Some changes may also need to be made in the web browser. If your instructor gives the "thumbs-up," proceed to the next step.

Save Printme to the Desktop

  • After your Build Instructor has inspected the system, click "Print" in the browser that opens. Choose "Print to file." Save the file to the Desktop and name it "QC Printme", then click "Print" to save. Click on the QC Printme icon on the Desktop to open it up.

Enable network printers:

  • Go to Menu >> System >> Printing
  • Select Server >> Settings and check the box marked Show Printers Shared by Other Systems and click OK.
  • Wait for a few moments and click the refresh icon. A selection of printers should appear.

Print a hard copy of Printme

  • Close the "Printing - localhost" window that opens and select the "build-printer" printer from the Print menu once it appears. Click Print and retrieve the sheet from the printer in the back (SW) corner of the room.
  • Have your Build Instructor sign off on the printed sheet. Then fold it in half (lengthwise) and tape it to the top of the system (the side of the page with the instructor's initials facing up.)

Shut down and shelve the system

  • Open a terminal and type "sudo halt -p" then press enter. When the system has shut down, unplug all cables, double-check that the case is secured properly, and ask a build instructor where to put the system once shutdown is complete.

Clean up work area if it is your last QC of the day

  • Please put all tools away, throw out any garbage or sticker remains, put screws in the appropriate bins, wrap cords around your keyboard and mouse, turn off your speakers and monitor, and generally straighten up.