Processing Staff Hours

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Revision as of 16:00, 27 July 2005 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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  • Collect all time sheets. Chase down people who haven't turned them in and get them. (It's better to warn them with plenty of advance notice about when they are due.)
  • Review time sheets for sanity:
    • Look for holiday when people claimed
    • Did they write notes on the side?
    • (It is possible to re-edit the time sheets if necessary.)
  • Open up ooffice on azdos in beancounters directory open file: staffworksheet_rev.sxc
    • yellow = intern
    • white = collective member
    • grey = ex-employee
  • scroll to be able to view previous month (as an example) and current month (should be blank data). You will be filling in current month with values similar to previous month, based on printed time sheets.