Standard Cash Drawer

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(A standard cash drawer has a specific amount of money in it, normally $90.00 so that we always have the same amount at the beginning of each shift, making the math easier to follow in bookkeeping. There are specific amounts of each demonination of currency, so that change can generally be easily made at the beginning of each shift. Here's the layout. Later on, this might change. And there might be different ideal configurations for the thrift store and the front desk. These changes should be recorded on this page.)

Ten dollar bills:   1 ($10.00)
Five dollar bills: 10 ($50.00)
One dollar bills:  25 ($25.00)
Quarters:          17 ($ 4.25)
Dimes:              4 ($  .40)
Nickels:            6 ($  .30)
Pennies:            5 ($  .05)
TOTAL:                ($90.00)

Please face the money (dead presidents' heads on top and all pointing the same way). This makes it easier to count. Ones go in the rightmost slot in the drawer and denominations get bigger as you move to the left.