Phone System Howto

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This page will contain instructions on how to operate the phone system at freegeek, including paging, transferring, etc.

Making Calls

internal calls using intercom butttons

  1. Pick up the reciever.
  2. If > appears beside an intercom button, then dial.

or Press an intercom button without >, Then dial.

external calls using numbered line buttons

  1. Pick up the reciever.
  2. When > appears beside a numbered line button, then dial.

or press a numbered line button without >', then dial.

Holding calls

  1. Press HOLD. The > Flashes beside the line on hold.
  2. Press the line button with the flashing > to return to the call.

check the display for confirmation or additional information.

automatic hold

Calls are automatically put on hold when switching from one line to another.