Adoption Program Information

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Welcome to the Adoption Program at Free Geek! The Adoption Program is our longest-standing program. Anyone may participate, as long as they can make it to our facility to volunteer. In exchange for 24 hours of service, our adopters receive a computer with monitor, speakers, keyboard, and mouse, a class on how to use the computer, and 1 year of free tech support. We also hope that you learn a bit about computers while you're volunteering.

What Tasks Will I Do While I'm at Free Geek?

The usual tasks for adopters include Receiving, where you'll take in equipment from donors, Recycling, where you'll disassemble computers, Basic Testing, where you'll test mice, keyboards, monitors, CD-ROM drives, and speakers, and Data Entry, where you'll use our computers to keep our database up-to-date.

You also have the opportunity to do some special tasks, like help out in the Thrift Store as a Store Helper, assist the front desk, or do some cleaning. If you're interested in doing one of these special tasks, just tell the person at the front desk.

What Kind of Computer Will I Receive?

We've named the computers we give away to volunteers FreekBoxes. The current specifications are as follows:

  • Pentium III 600 - 733mHz processor
  • 192 MB of RAM
  • 11 - 20 GB hard drive
  • 56k modem
  • CD-ROM, floppy, network card, sound card, video card
  • 17" monitor
  • Keyboard, mouse, speakers

What About This Class That I Keep Hearing About?

The Getting Started Class is an introduction to computers and to using Linux, the operating system we install on FreekBoxes.

Recording Hours

 - Log hours and sign up for next shift at front.  Call if you can't make it and reschedule.  discount in store.
 - FreekBox specs
 - Class.  Times.  It might take a while to get in.  Please call if you can't make it!
 - Tech support

- Stay safe

 - You can always keep volunteering when you're done!