Volunteer Intake Howto

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  • what's the best program (Adoption or Build) for each volunteer?
  • enter volunteers' info into database
  • tell volunteers what logistics to expect
  • point them to the right person (if no obvious match with Adoption or Build program)

Volunteer intake is full of logistics.

Most people will expect this, but some may not. So:

  • take your time
  • explain yourself clearly
  • repeat information if necessary
  • ask for help if you need it

Intake can take 45 minutes with lots of new volunteers.

Or you might be done in 5 minutes.

Plan on at least 25 minutes.

choose a program

Ask individuals what they want to do. Expect some confusion, even if the programs have already been explained on the tour; they're taking in lots of new information. Often, people think that the Adoption program is the only way to earn a PC.

Generally, if a volunteer wants to:

  • quickly earn a computer: Adoption Program (24 hours of work)
  • learn about computers (and earn one too): Build Program (60-100 hours or more)

Now, you're ready for intake.

  • First give paperwork to Builders, and give them a quick rundown (see below.) (That way, they can read it while you do contact manager entry for the Adopters. Be sure to finish up with Builders after doing data entry.)
  • If you're doing this alone, the best order for contact entry is: Adoption, Build, Unknown. Tell Build volunteers they'll need to wait a little while, suggest they look over their Build packets, and start entering Adopters.
  • If you have a big group, or are new to doing intake, see if the Front Desk person (or somebody else) is available to help with contact entry. Let them handle the Adopters, and start right in with the Builders.


NOTE: For a big group, ask if the Front Desk person is able to intake the Adopters. If so, you can enter data for Builders while they do Adopters. Also depending on the size of the group, you may do entry at the Front Desk, or bring them to the classroom and help them enter their own data.

open the Database to the Contact Manager

  • open a browser (Firefox, Konqueror) to http://data
  • click Front Desk along the top bar
  • click Volunteers on left side of the screen

haven't we met somewhere before?

Search for the person's name:
(NOTE: many people forget that they donated a PC a few years ago. Don't skipt this step.)
  • list at top: do they represent an organization in their dealings with Free Geek?
    • No: choose Person
    • Yes: choose Organization
  • Fill in first name, last name, ZIP code. Press search.
If a name (or names) appear below the little green box, ask if it's theirs.
  • If so, click the radio button by the name and press Edit. Make sure all their info is current.
  • If not, or if no names appear, press Create contact.

Contact Manager entry

  • checkbox: Adopters: Adopt; Builders: Build; Other: Volunteer
  • First name, last name
  • ZIP code (used to estimate demographic info for grants)
  • Phone number
  • For an organization, fill in that field as well (the address and phone should be for the organization.)
  • for Builders: note their new ID number on their builder status sheet.
  • Ask if they want to get announcements and newsletters by mail, phone, email. Uncheck boxes accordingly. For mail or email, be sure they filled in the appropriate fields.
  • Press Save record. Hooray!
  • This is a good time to ask for additional questions, and thank people for their interest. Read on below for more instructions for Builders and others.

Adoption intake

Make sure that they understand they'll likely need to take the adoption class before receiving their computer.

Build intake

There's a lot to build intake, and there are many ways to proceed. Below is what must be covered. Feel free to add to it or change the order, but please be sure to cover it all.
Please emphasize to Builders how much of a time commitment is involved. We estimate 60-100 hours of volunteer time to work through the program and build 6 computers. They should also be prepared to come in frequently. (People forget details easily if they don't come in every week or so.)

before contact entry

  • Give each person a builder status sheet and build packet. (In the green folder at the front desk.)
  • Explain the build packet, noting:
    • Step by step, flow of the build curriculum
    • The last page:
      • where documentation lives
      • Build email list
      • Build workshop times (Card/Mobo Sorting, Eval, Command Line class have their own schedule.)
  • Encourage them to read the rest on their own time. There's lots of cool info in there! Also, be sure to solicit questions.
  • Now is a good time to BREAK and do data entry for all new volunteers, while Builders look over their packets. Be sure to come back to this section after entering everyone's data.

after contact entry

  • Ask if anyone has hardware or Linux command line knowledge. If anyone does, they may be able to test out of card and motherboard sorting and/or the command line class. If you have time, take them to the card and mobo sorting room for a short knowledge assessment. Guidelines are at Testing Out.
  • Fill out the rest of the Builder status sheet (or have them do it.) If they tested out of anything, sign them out.
  • Have them file their builder status sheet in the book at the front, and explain that they need to have someone sign them off on each step.
  • Sign them up for their first shift and/or command line class on the clipboard.
  • In the midst of all this intake, you may notice that some people who are interested in the Build Program may not have quite the level of technical knowledge necessary. Can they use a keyboard and mouse? Are they relatively familiar with the browser fields and buttons? We encourage everyone to join the Build Program regardless of their computer experience, but sometimes it may be beneficial for a volunteer to work their way through the Adoption Program, receive a FreekBox, and practice using it a little before starting Build. If this is the case with someone, please pull them aside and tell them kindly.
  • Any more questions?
  • Hooray! They're in! Thank them for coming.

Intake for everyone else

Ask them what they're interested in doing, and have them talk to the proper person.

  • coding or network administration: Richard or Martin
  • teaching classes: Michael, Liane, or Martin
  • writing grants: Oso
  • helping with Hardware Grants: Dave, Martin, or Richard
  • internships in general: Shawn
  • unsure: Shawn