Community Council

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Revision as of 17:00, 14 January 2006 by Matteo (talk | contribs) (moved ''when are the meetings'')
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The Free Geek Community Council is the group responsible for the long term vision of Free Geek. It enacts policy that is:

  • overarching, affecting all of Free Geeks, OR
  • cross-group, not as big as overarching, but affects multiple groups (if those groups can't coordinate the policy on their own), OR
  • controversial in nature.

Any volunteer or worker can be a member of the council. The council works by Consensus.

Current Topics of Discussion

The Meta Question

We are currently pondering the Meta Question and to this end we're thinking about a scenario for Free geek's future.

There are some thought experiment scenarios listed at Meta Question#Where to next?.


Council Meetings

Community Council meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month. The next meeting will be at 7:15 January 25, 2006 in Free Geek's meeting room.

There is a Meeting Template that may be used when setting up a new Council Meeting. (Remember to copy commitments from the previous meeting's minutes.)

Year 2006:

Year 2005:

If you don't see the minutes here, there are two places you can check:

  • The council email archive (they're almost certain to be there, but you might find an early draft)
  • Type "Category:Council" into the wiki search box, and look for links of the form "CouncilXXXXYYZZ". The X's are the year, the Y's the month, and the Z's the day.

See also