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We're going to clean things up a bit, so we are looking to identify areas that need minor repairs and a coat of paint. Please add to this list. Note: this list is not in order of priority, that will be decided when the list feels more complete.

Meeting Room

  • paint walls
  • trim and paint doors
  • improve lighting and lighting controls
  • improve bar
  • improve meeting accessories (i.e. video projection, networking, telephone)
  • install door/vestibule to upstairs loft.


  • paint walls
  • new flooring??? (could be got for free as the bathrooms are not huge).
  • secure/replace loose defective fixtures
  • solution for for soap and towels (lots fo options here)
  • create storage for bathroom supplies

Staff Kitchen/Lounge

  • PURGE!!!
  • improve lighting and lighting controls
  • paint walls
  • trim and paint doors
  • improve cabinets/workspace

Volunteer Kitchen

  • improve lighting and lighting controls
  • paint walls
  • improve cabinets/workspace


  • PURGE!!!
  • improve lighting and lighting controls
  • paint walls


  • PURGE!!!
  • finish divider window wall
  • improve lighting and lighting controls
  • paint walls

See Also