Talk:Modem configuration

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Revision as of 10:27, 15 March 2006 by Gambitnut (talk | contribs) (replied)
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I think the text page should be moved back here. The text page is clear, and I don't think this is something for which a flow chart is either necessary or works well. If we must have a flow chart, then why not put it at Modem Configuration (flowchart). -- MW 07:52, 15 Mar 2006 (PST)

I have no idea if a flow chart will work for this, but a builder wanted to do some work to get answers to common questions up in build to make things easier for the instructors and Richard suggested doing it with flow charts. It could be that all we really need to do it print the text instructions we already have, but making flow charts is fun and the builder should learn how, even if we end up deciding to go another route. I chose these two things to start with for flow charts because they seemed to be the things that had the best combination of helping answer very common questions and being fairly easy to come up with flow chart steps for. If you have any other suggestions of things we could try making flow charts for in build, let us know. The reason I moved the other page to (Text Instructions was because there is already a page called Card Sorting (Text Instructions), I think it was already called that from the old howto before I added a flow chart, and I wanted to be consistent.
