Actual Expenses Compared to Budget

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Budgeted Q1
The amount we budgeted (expected to spend and earn) for the first quarter opf 2006
The amount we actually spent and earned for the first quarter opf 2006
The difference between the budget and actual expenses in dollars.
The difference between the budget and actual expenses as a percentage (above 100% means we were over budget -- less than 100% means we were under budget).
Income and Expenses 2006, Quarter 1, Budget vs Actual
Budgeted Q1 Actual Diff %
Consulting $ - $ - $ -
Donations, C4K $6.56 $ - $ (6.56) 0%
Donations, Online $539.94 $32.20 $ (507.74) 6%
Donations, Regular $25,854.48 $27,685.59 $1,831.11 107%
Education $404.25 $160.00 $ (244.25) 40%
Fundraisers $348.02 $ - $ (348.02) 0%
Grants $ - $ - $ -
Interest $29.62 $63.12 $ 33.50 213%
Miscellaneous Income $31.75 $ 686.13 $ 654.38 2161%
Monitor Fees $32,934.48 $28,575.50 $(4,358.98) 87%
Outreach Events $912.12 $ - $ (912.12) 0%
Overages $322.44 $917.42 $ 594.98 285%
Pickups $ - $ - $ -
Recycling Income $11,931.96 $18,256.73 $6,324.77 153%
Sales, External $1,048.53 $1,637.78 $ 589.25 156%
Sales, Online $ - $1,795.98 $1,795.98 (UP)
Sales, Retail $38,150.02 $54,612.69 $16,462.67 143%
Sales, Wholesale $2,007.90 $2,371.02 $ 363.12 118%
Space Rental $ - $ - $ -
Sponsorship $ - $ - $ -
Tenant Sublets $3,000.00 $3,105.00 $ 105.00 104%
Untracked Adjustments $ - $ - $ -
TOTAL INCOME $117,522.09 $139,899.16 $22,377.07 119%
Adminstration $1,579.87 $ 1,451.63 $ (128.24) 92%
Advertising $140.44 $69.00 $ (71.44) 49%
Auction fees $50.02 $ - $ (50.02) 0%
Consulting Expenses $ - $ - $ -
Fundraisers $3.41 $ - $ (3.41) 0%
Health Care $11,448.00 $8,824.55 $(2,623.45) 77%
Merchandise Purchases $98.37 $ - $ (98.37) 0%
Miscellaneous Expenses $75.00 $50.00 $ (25.00) 67%
Monitor Recycling $14,505.23 $12,104.56 $(2,400.67) 83%
Other Facility $2,727.30 $4,802.07 $2,074.77 176%
Outreach Events $703.63 $50.00 $ (653.63) 7%
Parts for online sales $ - $ - $ -
Payroll $46,193.85 $45,988.46 $ (205.39) 100%
Payroll Accounting $753.42 $738.48 $ (14.94) 98%
Program Supplies $325.53 $640.62 $ 315.09 197%
Recycling Disposal $59.89 $57.45 $ (2.44) 96%
Rent $20,100.00 $20,100.00 $ - 100%
Shipping $ - $6.72 $ 6.72
Short Tills $129.24 $370.59 $ 241.35 287%
Staff Training and Education $78.75 $ - $ (78.75) 0%
Taxes and Withholding $15,478.59 $11,095.63 $(4,382.96) 72%
Telecom $870.00 $729.76 $ (140.24) 84%
Theft and Fraud $202.78 $ - $ (202.78) 0%
Utilities $4,850.80 $6,436.68 $1,585.88 133%
Volunteer rewards $47.50 $258.26 $ 210.76 544%
Workers Compensation $319.73 $ 959.19 $ 639.46 300%
TOTAL EXPENSES $120,741.35 $114,733.65 $(6,007.70) 95%
PROFIT (LOSS) $(3,219.26) $25,165.51 $28,384.77