Sick Friend Letters

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Hi there!

Though I'm not yet sure why, we've been getting a lot of these lately, so I'll tell you what we've been telling everyone else.

Ideally, we want volunteers to donate hours for their *own* computers. But we also understand that not all bodies are suited to volunteering in our building. Therefore, we can take other measures...mainly, having someone else work those hours, and then having the man in question come in for the tutorial class in which he learns to work his new-to-him computer...but please understand that this offer is by the willingness of OUR volunteers only. If they're not willing to work more than they already are, you're out of luck.

Your other alternative is to find willingness among the man's friends or family to donate time for him, or friends of yours might, or you might even undertake a twenty-four hour stint in exchange for a computer. But someone, somewhere, has to donate these hours. We absolutely do not, and will not in the foreseeable future, be trading hardware for Freekboxen.

As far as donating hardware yourself, you're more than welcome to come in and donate parts, as long as you understand you're not trading across the board. We accept almost anything electronic--our exceptions are microwaves, smoke detectors, televisions, and just about any large appliance you put food or clothes into. Everything else? Fair game.

We're open Tuesday through Saturday, eleven to seven pm; we run tours of our facility at noon and again at six pm, every day we're open. Whomever ends up volunteering time for your friend, by the way--unless they're already one of our volunteers--should come in and take a tour of our building. It doubles as our new volunteer orientation.

Hope this helped,

Jeanne Outreach Intern