System Evaluation Visual Triage

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Revision as of 15:37, 19 August 2006 by Gambitnut (talk | contribs)
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 digraph D {
  start         [label="START HERE", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold"]
  at            [label="Is there an\nAT connector?", fontsize="10"]
  ddr           [label="Are there any\nDDR\nslots?", fontsize="10"]
  rambus        [label="Are there any\nRAMBUS\nslots?", fontsize="10"]
  dimmslots     [label="Are there any\nDIMM slots\n(SDRAM, DDR, or RAMBUS)?", fontsize="10"]
  procthere     [label="Is there a\nPROCESSOR?", fontsize="10"]
  visibleproc   [label="Can you see the\nPROCESSOR SPEED?", fontsize="10"]
  mobo          [label="Is the\nMOTHERBOARD\nthere?", fontsize="10"]
  fastproc      [label="Does it have\n500 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="10"]
  highend       [label="Does it have\n1500 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="10"]
  fastrambus    [label="Does it have\n900 MHz or faster proc?", fontsize="10"]
  smallzif      [label="Can you see a\n1 DIGIT ZIF SOCKET?", fontsize="10"]
  server        [label="Do we want it for a\nSERVER?\n(see note)", fontsize="10"]
  video         [label="Is there an\nAGP slot\nor\nONBOARD VIDEO?", fontsize="10"]
  blowncaps     [label="Are there any\nBLOWN CAPS?", fontsize="10"]
  missingparts  [label="Is it\nMISSING PARTS\n(like a side panel)?", fontsize="11"]
  recycle       [label="RECYCLE", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold", URL="/index.php/System_Evaluation_1_Overview"]
  waiting       [label="Put on the\nWAITING FOR\nSYSTEM EVALUATION 2\npile", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_2_Overview"]
  tardis        [label="Mark 'TARDIS' and\nput on\nWAITING FOR\nSYSTEM EVALUATION 2\npile", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold"]
  whitehole     [label="We will take this\nSERVER\nto the White Hole", fontsize="10", shape="box", style="bold"]
  start       -> mobo
  mobo        -> server [taillabel="YES"]
  mobo        -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  server      -> dimmslots [taillabel="NO"]
  server      -> whitehole [taillabel="YES"]
  dimmslots   -> at [taillabel="YES"]
  dimmslots   -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  at          -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
  at          -> smallzif [taillabel="NO"]
  smallzif    -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  smallzif    -> video [taillabel="YES"]
  video       -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  video       -> procthere [taillabel="YES"]
  procthere   -> visibleproc [taillabel="YES"]
  procthere   -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  visibleproc -> ddr [taillabel="YES"]
  visibleproc -> waiting [taillabel="NO"]
  ddr         -> rambus [taillabel="NO"]
  ddr         -> tardis [taillabel="YES"]
  rambus      -> fastrambus [taillabel="YES"]
  rambus      -> highend [taillabel="NO"]
  highend     -> tardis [taillabel="YES"]
  highend     -> fastproc [taillabel="NO"]
  fastrambus   -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  fastrambus   -> tardis [taillabel="YES"]
  fastproc    -> blowncaps [taillabel="YES"]
  fastproc    -> recycle [taillabel="NO"]
  blowncaps   -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
  blowncaps   -> missingparts [taillabel="NO"]
  missingparts    -> waiting [taillabel="NO"]
  missingparts    -> recycle [taillabel="YES"]
