Sound problems

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When KDE starts, an error message pops up saying "Error while initializing the sound driver: device /dev/dsp can't be opened (no such device)". Then sound no work. Wah.


In a FreekBox, this is generally a hardware problem with your sound card. But if you're working on a non-freekbox system, here's a method for troubleshooting this error:

  • make sure /dev/dsp exists, and that the group has write access:
guest@freekbox:~$ ls -l /dev/dsp
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 9 May  3 17:37 /dev/dsp -> /dev/dsp0

the lrwxlrwxlrwx bit means everyone in the world has read/write/execute permission on the file, which is a link to /dev/dsp0.

  • If /dev/dsp doesn't exist, you can use ln to create it (as root)
freekbox:~# ln -s /dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp
  • But you need to make sure /dev/dsp0 exists too:
guest@freekbox:~$ ls -l /dev/dsp
crw-rw-rw-  1 root audio 14, 3 Mar 23 12:28 /dev/dsp0
  • You can make /dev/dsp0 with MAKEDEV if it doesn't exist.
freekbox:/dev# ./MAKEDEV audio
  • Finally, make sure the user is in the audio group:
guest@freekbox:~$ groups
guest dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video games users

On a FreekBox-type computer, it's rare that users will be added improperly and not be in the audio group.

The last set of possibilities are all hardware problems, so if you've gotten this far, try a different sound card. User:Dave says that the AE Vortex PCI sound card is a frequent culprit, so if you've got one of these, offer it to Dave to see if it will help him.

--ideath 12:46, 5 Aug 2005 (PDT) Jeff 03:09, 6 Aug 2005 (PDT)