Free Geek Structure

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Free Geek is governed by its workers and volunteers. It's a complicated place and there are numerous working groups and committees involved. Here's a list of some of them:


These directly work to fulfill the mission of Free Geek. Some have meetings or associated email lists and queues in RT.

The Big Three

decision-making and work-doing bodies

Board of Directors
The board is responsible for fiscal and legal oversight of the organization. It is made up of people selected by the Community Council.
Community Council
The council is open to all volunteers (including staff members). It looks at the long term picture of Free Geek and sets general policy. It coordinates policy making between the various working groups as needed. (See the Founding Document of the Council for more details on the scope of the council.)
Staff Collective
The staff collective is responsible for day to day operations and is made up of hired staff members.

Working Groups

Groups are volunteer driven and are designed to support the various programs at Free Geek. They tend to meet after hours and have associated email lists and queues in RT.

Volunteer system administration
Volunteer programmers
Volunteers working in the day to day operations of Free Geek. ("The Core" is more of a descriptive term than a cohesive working group.)
Volunteers defining what software goes on the computers we build.
Hardware Grants and NAP
Volunteers helping to distribute hardware to organizations (apart from the Build and Adoption programs).
Grant Writing
Volunteers helping to write grants requesting funding for Free Geek.

Standing Staff Committees

Template:Standing Staff Committees

Ad Hoc Staff Committees

From time to time, there are also ad hoc committees that meet while needed before disbanding. Examples of this would be:

Interview committee
Recommended by HR and approved by the collective to interview people applying for paid staff positions
Resolution Committee.
Recommended by HR and approved by the collective to bring to resolution issues that could result in the termination of a staff member if not dealt with.
Review Panel
Recommended by HR and approved by the collective to coordinate reviews of collective members.