Talk:Founding Document of the Council
Wow, what a document. It gives a nice picture of Free Geek at the time of the inception of the Council. Does anyone know who wrote it originally, and when? I think that should perhaps go at the top of the document, for reference. - Shawn
I've relyed on this to format some of my org-dev ideas at FGoly. - Jim
Indeed, it's pretty awesome! Who to blame? Er, i mean... -- baxrob
Blame me
In May or June 2002 this was my snapshot of what the council would be like, its scope, and how FG could climb to the next level.
I'm glad people found it helpful.
I think more attention should currently be paid to the "scope" section. It's getting too easy to bring any random thing to a council meeting, rather than to some more appropriate forum, and that won't scale well.
I'd also note that the "fewer meetings" idea did take hold but not really for the ASSes (and later other work groups like the Coders).
Also we never really got to a point where we actually made many decisions via email.
RfS 11:47, 25 Oct 2005 (PDT)