Gizmo Flow and Programs

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<graphvizl> digraph KEY {

income [label="(Income\nEnd Point)", shape="house", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] program [label="(Program Only\nEnd Point)", shape="box", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] process [label="(Processing\nPoint)", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10]


</graphvizl> This page helps us determine how much time and money goes into and comes out of each area of Free Geek. On the graphs below, rectangles and house shaped nodes represent end points. The rectangles represent program activities at Free Geek. These activities do not directly collect money. The houses represent income activities that do collect money (and may meet program needs as well). The ovals are processing stops along the way. The main graph shows how gizmos flow from receiving to the various endpoints. By tracking staff and volunteer hours and gizmo sales in relation to these nodes, we can estimate volunteer and staff time, income and expenses associated with each.

<graphvizl> digraph GIZMOS {

  1. income endpoint definitions

externalsales [label="External\nSales", shape="house", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] onlinesales [label="Online\nSales", shape="house", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] recycling [label="Recycling", shape="house", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] thriftstore [label="Thrift\nStore", shape="house", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] wholesale [label="Wholesale\nSales", shape="house", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10]

  1. program endpoint definitions

adoption [label="Adoption", shape="box", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] gap [label="GAP", shape="box", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] grants [label="Hardware\nGrants", shape="box", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] infrastructure [label="Infrastructure", shape="box", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] monitordisposal [label="Monitor\nDisposal", shape="box", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10]

  1. midpoint definitions

audiovisual [label="A/V", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] build [label="Build", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] laptops [label="Laptops", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] monitorburnin [label="Monitor\nBurn in", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] prebuild [label="Prebuild", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] printers [label="Printers", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] receiving [label="Receiving", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] servers [label="Servers", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] testing [label="Other\nTesting", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10] ups [label="UPS", fontname="helvetica", fontsize=10]

  1. start point:

receiving -> audiovisual receiving -> build receiving -> externalsales receiving -> laptops receiving -> monitorburnin receiving -> onlinesales receiving -> prebuild receiving -> printers receiving -> recycling receiving -> servers receiving -> testing receiving -> thriftstore receiving -> ups

  1. mid points:

audiovisual -> recycling audiovisual -> thriftstore

build -> adoption build -> prebuild

monitorburnin -> build monitorburnin -> monitordisposal monitorburnin -> thriftstore

prebuild -> build prebuild -> servers prebuild -> testing

servers -> prebuild

testing -> build testing -> externalsales testing -> onlinesales

  1. end points:

build -> gap

build -> grants laptops -> grants printers -> grants servers -> grants ups -> grants

build -> infrastructure laptops -> infrastructure printers -> infrastructure servers -> infrastructure ups -> infrastructure

build -> recycling prebuild -> recycling printers -> recycling laptops -> recycling ups -> recycling

build -> thriftstore laptops -> thriftstore printers -> thriftstore servers -> thriftstore testing -> thriftstore ups -> thriftstore

receiving -> wholesale testing -> wholesale } </graphvizl>

There are also administrative activities that do not fit into the gizmo flow way of looking at things, but are nevertheless important. Again, the shapes represent whether or not the activity collects money for Free Geek or not. Rectangles show purely administrative or program activities.

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

Houses show purely administrative income activities.

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.