Talk:Providence Planning 08 01 2006

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Providence \Prov"i*dence\, n. [L. providentia: cf. F.
  providence. See Provident, and cf. Prudence.]
  1. The act of providing or preparing for future use or
     application; a making ready; preparation.
     [1913 Webster]
           Providence for war is the best prevention of it.
     [1913 Webster]
  2. Foresight; care; especially, the foresight and care which
     God manifests for his creatures; hence, God himself,
     regarded as exercising a constant wise prescience.
     [1913 Webster]
           The world was all before them, where to choose
           Their place of rest, and Providence their guide.
     [1913 Webster]
  3. (Theol.) A manifestation of the care and superintendence
     which God exercises over his creatures; an event ordained
     by divine direction.
     [1913 Webster]
           He that hath a numerous family, and many to provide
           for, needs a greater providence of God. --Jer.
     [1913 Webster]
  4. Prudence in the management of one's concerns; economy;
     [1913 Webster]
           It is a high point of providence in a prince to cast
           an eye rather upon actions than persons. --Quarles.
     [1913 Webster]

WordNet (r) 2.0 (August 2003) [wn]

   n 1: the capital and largest city of Rhode Island; located in
        northeastern Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay; site of
        Brown University [syn: Providence, capital of Rhode
   2: the guardianship and control exercised by a deity; "divine
   3: a manifestation of God's foresightful care for His creatures
   4: the prudence and care exercised by someone in the management
      of resources [ant: improvidence]