Review Process

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The review panel conducts most of the review for a member of the staff collective.


The details of the collective member review process look like this:

  1. The HR committee nominates 2-3 people to comprise a review panel. The staff collective discusses the nomination at the next staff meeting, makes changes if necessary, and OKs the decision. The review panel is then responsible for seeing the rest of the process through. The review panel should be made up of people who work pretty closely with the person being reviewed.
  2. The review panel creates a review form for the reviewee. The form should include the goals created for the reviewee in his last review as well as general questions asked in every review. The general questions, as well as examples of complete forms, may be found in the /usr/local/fgstaff/reviews directory on obsidian. The individual's goals are located in the directory named after the individual in the /usr/local/fgstaff/reviews directory on obsidian.
  3. Each collective member receives a form, and must fill it out. The reviewee must also fill out a form for herself. Names should be included on these forms. If answers are illegible, need clarification, or should be written in a more constructive way, the panel is responsible for returning the form to the appropriate person for changes. Forms are returned to the review panel long enough before the review that the panel can tabulate the results.