State of the Onion

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Big list of programs

Here is a list of Free Geek programs organized by the staff committee that is charged with their oversight. We are asking each committee to post a brief description of the state of each program.

(For more informaiton on each committee see the Standing Staff Committees page.)


What is the state of this program?
What is the state of this program?
Maintenance and design of the physical plant
What is the state of this program?
Building security
What is the state of this program?
General safety
What is the state of this program?


Policy development
What is the state of this program?
load balancing of the committees
What is the state of this program?
liaison with Free Geek Community Council and Free Geek Board of Directors
What is the state of this program?
nominations to the various committees
What is the state of this program?
proposals concerning changes to the committee structure itself
What is the state of this program?
accounting and financial oversight
What is the state of this program?


Human resources
What is the state of this program?
volunteer management
What is the state of this program?
volunteer and staff discipline
What is the state of this program?
procedures regarding theft from Free Geek
What is the state of this program?
mediation between conflicting parties
What is the state of this program?
volunteer and staff scheduling
What is the state of this program?
staff and intern reviews
What is the state of this program?
volunteer acculturation and training
What is the state of this program?
health care and benefits packages
What is the state of this program?
employee manual
What is the state of this program?

Knowledge Bees

What is the state of this program?
What is the state of this program?
liaison with Distro group
What is the state of this program?
technical support
What is the state of this program?
Computers for Kids
What is the state of this program?
Free Geek library
What is the state of this program?


What is the state of this program?
What is the state of this program?
What is the state of this program?
advertising and marketing
What is the state of this program?
parties, festivals and other events
What is the state of this program?
community building
What is the state of this program?
relations with the neighbors
What is the state of this program?
relations with the non-profit and social change communities
What is the state of this program?
membership development
What is the state of this program?
the Free Geek website
What is the state of this program?
the reception area
What is the state of this program?
public email addresses
What is the state of this program?
media relations
What is the state of this program?
advertising and design of donation pickups
What is the state of this program?


Liaison with Free Geek startups (the replication of Free Geek elsewhere)
What is the state of this program?
liaison with GAP volunteers
What is the state of this program?
Hardware Grants
What is the state of this program?
liaison with NAP group (Nonprofit Assistance Program).
What is the state of this program?


Liaison with Coders group
What is the state of this program?
liaison with ASS group
What is the state of this program?
liaison with Distro group
What is the state of this program?
selection of software commonly used at Free Geek
What is the state of this program?
computer security
What is the state of this program?
technical infrastructure
What is the state of this program?