Collected thoughts on future Free Geek

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These are a few of the key characteristics, positive and negative, that came from the Future Free Geek Exercise that we did at the Providence planning meeting on July 11. (The exercise is described at the end of the first link. Participants are listed in the attendance section of the meeting minutes.)

Results from 7/11 exercise
Potential Pros Potential Cons
  • more volunteers
  • receiving less cluttered/cleaner due to more hands
  • consistency in computers going out
  • nicer computers
  • better customer relations w/donors
  • better stuff in the store
  • more staff
  • more volunteers/energy for beautification and neighborhood outreach
  • easier tech support because computers are more similar
  • old computers ingraciously received
  • donors frustrated
  • less arcane weirdo stuff in store
  • no time
  • more noise in the neighborhood
  • outdoor clutter
  • people in the parking lot
  • more vandalism/crime
  • less parking
  • volunteer overwork
  • physically strenuous/more "moving things around" jobs
  • intensify current volunteer problems
  • less consistency