Talk:Maximum Free Geek

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Since it's time to get ideas out there, I thought I'd start by identifying some of the issues I see involved with growing larger. The maximum Free Geek idea is obviously an extreme, which the other options like 'Sister Free Geek', etc. are as well. I don't think that any extreme will work that well, but they're good to examine.

Communication is important. It's part of how we get things done and think of new things. It's also how people in one area of free geek find out about other areas and can then adjust how they do things to make free geek more integrated.

Maximum Free Geek: this model would make it much more difficult to communicate, as staff and core wouldn't see as much of each other. Documentation and methods of communication would need to be quite straightforward and efficient. We could do that. Max Free Geek would probably also require a doubling up of coordinators, which might make things a little messier (it always takes up a little bit of time to get onto the same page with your co- every week). Dave, who's currently sitting beside me, says that it's much harder if you have 2 co-coordinators doing the same thing at different times of the week. The better deal is if co-cos can specialize, and then they're not really co-coordinators, right?

This does the same as communication, in a way, but keeps staff and core feeling up on new knowledge. Face it, it's fun to learn new stuff. Bottom line, it's important that staff has BBB, PBBBBB, recycling, build, teaching, admin, or whatever they're interested in, shifts besides their regular jobs.
Max number for comfortable decision-making
Consensus is harder to reach as the group gets larger, and needs to get more formalized, too. Richard suggests not more than 24 people for a comfortable-ish process on bigger issues. I'd almost like a couple less.
Quality of life
A 32-hour work week is great. Especially at Free Geek, where practically every one of those hours is full of mayhem and endless todo lists. The Max Free Geek model keeps this intact. Cool.

Shawn 16:16, 12 Jan 2005 (PST)