3 - 5 year plan

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Revision as of 10:19, 31 January 2007 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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This is a draft of a new or in-progress document, and is likely to have a few people specifically working on it. You may wish to check in on the discussion page to see what the purpose of the document is and who's working on it; then feel free to give this article love and attention if have extra of those things.

This page will describe what Free Geek wants to be like 3-5 years from now. People contributing to this page should read through the Meta Question and its associated documents, especially the scenarios listed there. Contributers should also look at Free Geek's General Priorities page and have a cursory understanding of the program planning sheets that it points to.

If we can describe a common vision that has the rough consensus of the Free Geek community behind it, then we can move on to a strategy to get from here to there.

What does a vision statement at Free Geek look like?

It should address the following points. (Add to the list.)

  • Current programs:
    • shift coverage
    • staffed positions
  • New programs
    • description
    • shift coverage
    • staffed positions
    • substantial education programme
  • General
    • hours open -- ten hours per day, six days per week (10-8, Mon-Sat)
    • 60 hours open to the public + 12 meeting hours (after hours)
    • work schedule
    • communication issues
    • decision making
    • what committees will exist?
  • Staffing
    • pay rate -- staff should be making a living wage, currently defined as twice the minimum wage. Currently that means an hourly wage of $15.60 per hour.
    • hours worked -- staff will likely be working up to 40 hours per week. I'd like to see no one having to work extra unpaid hours just to get their jobs done, and I'd like to see options for people to work less if they so choose. I imagine staff members would work between 20 and 40 hours per week.
    • benefits -- staff would get the same holidays as today, full health care (like today), the same PTO (sick and vacation) as today, but maybe as a reward to sticking around, those with greater seniority will get more PTO than new hires.
    • size of staff -- maybe 20 collective members, a dozen interns, with a half dozen substitutes on call?
  • Volunteers
    • numbers in each program
    • variety of programs / opportunties
  • Space usage
    • office space
    • production dedicated space
    • warehouse space
    • receiving space
    • thrift store
    • common space and community use space
    • classroom / educational space

Dollars and cents

I suggest using the current year's dollars when we project things. As we progress, we'll need to adjust them for inflation.