Next Step Recycling

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Revision as of 21:31, 5 April 2007 by Sulement (talk | contribs) (New name, new location, new website)
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Previously known as MacRenewal, this is an organization similar to Free Geek but located in Eugene, Oregon.

They specialize in putting used Macintosh computers, PCs and all manner of electronic equipment back into use. Free Geek gives all its Macs to them, and they send unusable ones up here to be recycled.

Lorraine Kerwood is the founder of this organization, which predates (?) Free Geek by several years. Visit their web site for more details.

Due to growth, CRRC is NOW known as NextStep Recycling. Bigger facilities, better methods, this community reuse and recycling center is becoming a real force for change in the Eugene movement to keep reuseable computers and electronics out of the landfill and into the hands of low-income individuals through low-cost and no-cost programs that put technology into deserving hands.

The new web address is: