36zerowaste letter of intent

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April 11, 2007

Free Geek Community Technology Centre

Attention: Mr. David Repa, Start-up Coordinator

Re: Letter of Intent to move forward discussions that will provide a long term processing agreement for your organization.

Dear Sir;

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday on rather short notice. It was a pleasure to talk with others who share our vision of strong communities built through a commitment to excellence and transparency in every aspect of their business model. I would like to provide you with an overview of our company, which should confirm our goals and objectives and how they will mesh well in concert with Free Geek.

Our mission statement is a simple one "36Zerowaste Group Inc. provides ethical, socially responsible and innovative solutions to the recycling of e-waste globally".

Drawing on our team's experience, the resources at our disposal, and the expertise of others, we strive to provide our clients with the best possible solutions to their waste management and recycling issues.

With environmental stewardship as the cornerstone of our organization we strive to provide all within our circle of influence with the tools to impact our world in a positive way.

36 Zerowaste Group Inc. Business Model Description

36Zerowaste Group Inc. services include consulting on waste management issues; industry based research, as well as recycling and reuse initiatives.

We provide leadership in the development, design and organization of facilities for the processing of electronic waste, plastics and other materials. As processing technologies are developed and end markets are established we will guide our partners through the process of maximizing there processing revenues without compromising the integrity of the organization. We have established a vendor qualification program that allows us to select those downstream processors that have a similar vision and commitment to environmental stewardship. We will be part of the solution on the road to zero waste.

Our facilities are efficient while at the same time contribute to the social fabric of the communities they are located in.

This is done in part by providing employment opportunities to individuals who are employment disadvantaged through physical and/or mentally impairment.

An integral part of our customized program will provide in-depth job training, as well as basic life skills where appropriate to the individual employee.

36ZerowasteGroup Inc. was started when two of the founders, Bert Monesmith and Monica Danon-Schaffer, realized an opportunity exists to make use of their extensive skills and experience in the environmental waste management and recycling fields.

Through their vision they brought together a team of like minded professionals. This opportunity afforded all of the partners the means to accomplish several specific personal goals, including:

-being part of the solution to worldwide environmental contamination and its impact on global warming.

-providing socioeconomic growth locally as well as in developing nations.

-Be instrumental in providing personal growth initiatives for the employment disadvantaged.

-Provide all levels of government, business and individuals an environmentally friendly solution to the mounting problem of outdated electronics.

36Zerowaste Group Inc. Management Team

Our professional management team consists of seasoned managers and experts whose backgrounds and experience make them ideally suited to their respective roles in operations, marketing, administration, research and the profitable materials recovery from electronic waste.

BERT MONESMITH – Director of Development Mr. Monesmith has over 30 years experience in waste/recycling management and facilities design and operations. As Director of Development for the 36Zerowaste Group Inc., Bert brings a unique approach to solving electronic recycling issues which is sought after by government, banks and the gaming industry for his expertise. Bert has worked in upper management positions for some of the top recycling and waste management companies in North America. As the Government Affairs Manager for western Canada with BFI , Bert was instrumental in the development of several large recycling facilities in Edmonton, Calgary, Kelowna, Vancouver, Victoria, Medicine Hat and in the USA. Bert's commitment to "doing it right" is reflected in his commitment to the Recycling Council of British Columbia where he sits as President. Bert is also a sought after speaker who brings a unique perspective on recycling from both the grass roots and big business perspectives.

MIKE LUSSIER - VP Operations Mr. Lussier developed his skills through the operational and administrative management of a broad range of recycling facilities in western Canada. These include, electronic waste facilities, dry waste products and multi product stream operations.

Mike brings a hands-on approach to reorganizing and managing electronics recycling projects.

While employed at Genesis Recycling Ltd., Mike was credited with making it a high volume, profitable facility located in a provincial penitentiary processing and recycling thousands of tonnes of materials annually in a very stressful environment.

Prior to joining Genesis Recycling Ltd., Mike managed a semi-automated multi materials facility for REDI Enterprises in Medicine Hat; Alberta.

REDI Enterprises is a leader in working with individuals with mental and physical disabilities, helping them to become self sufficient contributing members of the community. These individuals and their training were a part of the daily operations of the recycling facility.

Mike's responsibilities also included the coordination of daily collection routes, International marketing and sales of material processed, along with acting as a liaison between the organization, community and local government.

MONICA N. DANON SCHAFFER - Technical Research Specialist Monica has focused her energies on the environment since graduating with an M.Eng in Civil/ Environmental Engineering in 1993 and a B.Sc in Chemical Engineering in 1988.

She has written and presented on her research on environmental contaminants globally and continues in her studies towards a PhD in Chemical & Biological Engineering with emphasis on electronic waste.

Specifically in the area of brominated flame retardants, leaching out of electronic waste in landfills, ultimately ending up in the Arctic. Monica's current research is essential to the Zero Waste Group.

Monica has over thirteen years of international experience in chemical and environmental engineering.

Her professional experience includes environmental forensics investigations, environmental site assessments, due diligence/compliance audits, impact assessment/site remediation and project management on local and international projects for industrial and commercial facilities.

Her numerous environmental impact assessments and site investigations have been conducted in Canada, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela and the United States.

Monica is fluent in Spanish and English, and has working knowledge of French and Portuguese.

She is a member of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC), and Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO).

LIONEL PRINS - Director Marketing and Business Development Mr. Prins expertise is in marketing, sales and business management with over 25 years experience in moving business environments towards improved productivity and competitive market position.

This trait is one of the many Lionel adds to 36Zerowaste Group Inc.

Lionel developed his expertise in Sales & Marketing as VP of Sales and Marketing for Infertek (SmartSources) a publicly traded company that designed NAFTA compliance software.

In that capacity, Lionel worked with Fortune 500 companies such as Dow Chemical, Ingersoll Rand and Air Products.

Prior to this, Lionel was the founder of an electronics imaging facility that processed imagery and files for the advertising industry in the Pacific Northwest.

By developing key relationships and delivering on the promise to his clients, Lionel grew this facility to employ over 50 people and six figure revenues.

In 2000, Lionel sold his business directing his attention to the growing problems of electronic waste.

Lionel brings his expertise in Design, Marketing and developing key relationships to the team.

Lionel is fully conversant in French, Spanish and English and has a degree in Design, majoring in graphic design along with numerous marketing accreditations.

DAWN WATTIE - Director Business Affairs Ms. Wattie brings much to the Zero Waste Group with her extensive business dealings as legal council, spanning diverse disciplines from intellectual property matters to mediation in conflict situations.

Dawn's commitment to environmental stewardship and the issue of zero waste recycling are only surpassed by the enthusiasm and professionalism she brings to the 36Zerowaste Group Inc.

Dawn completed her BA in Anthropology from the University of Victoria in 1984 and went on to complete her LLB at the University of Windsor in 1988.

She was called to the British Columbia Bar in 1989.

Ms. Wattie is a certified family mediator and a multiparty mediator.

Dawn has taught Intellectual Capital and Intellectual Property in the Knowledge Management Program at Royal Roads University for the last 4 years and has designed and instructed various courses and workshops on issues related to intellectual property and business.

Dawn is president and sole practitioner of Dawn Wattie Law Corporation specializing in corporate commercial law with a focus on intellectual property, employment law and wills, estate and trusts.

Her law practice currently focuses on working with technology companies ranging from engineering consulting, manufacturing, R and D, and multimedia.

Dawn is also and President and CEO of DL Consulting Ltd., a business consulting firm specializing in strategic issues related to intellectual property, human resources and organizational structure.

BORIS SCHAFFER – President As both a successful entrepreneur and business owner, Mr. Schaffer brings a strong understanding of financial feasibility and matters of risk management to the Zero Waste Group.

Boris is a talented entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in financing and capitalization for projects related to ethical, environmental and humanitarian endeavours.

Boris holds a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University and several designations in the Insurance profession (CIP, CAIB) as well as being an active member of the Rotary Club.

Mr. Schaffer is President of Hamilton Insurance Company in Vancouver, British Columbia.

We will establish a protocol within our organization that will foster a mutually beneficial partnership with Free Geek. This will cover the following points.

1.We will provide recycling services for Free Geek that will be fully transparent and environmentally friendly.

2.We will purchase from Free Geek all materials processed in accordance to industry specs. We will be transparent in all our dealing and our records will be open to Free Geek to review. We will provide Free Geek with full market value for their materials, less a negotiated administration and handling fee.

3.We will work together where ever possible to promote each others organization through mass media and any other means that are deemed to be beneficial to both.

4.We will insure that for the term of the agreement we will not dispose of any materials in a manner that will negatively impact the environment.

5.We will comply with all occupational health and safety regulations. Thank you again for your time and I look forward to working with you and your organization in the very near future. Please feel free to contact me, anytime if you have further questions.

We are prepared to move forward with processing of your materials within the next week or so to facilitate your need to move materials currently stockpiles. Regards

Bert Monesmith, V.P. 36Zerowaste Group Inc.