Speculations on the Future of Free Geek

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Free Geek runs on several resources. Without each of these elements Free Geek struggle or even collapse. In no particular order:

  • Money
  • Volunteers can be grouped by motivations (though there's overlap, of course):
    • Those who want computers --adopters
    • Those who want to help --do-gooders
      • Environmental activists
      • Digital divide activists
    • Those who want to learn --students
      • Hardware tinkerers
      • Software tinkerers
  • Other people
    • Those who buy stuff from us retail --customers
    • Those who buy stuff from us for repair --scroungers
    • Those who buy scrap from us for recycling --recycling industry
  • Gizmos
    • Those that can be used and there's a market for above --marketable gizmos
    • Those that can be used but nobody wants --unmarketable gizmos
    • Those that are broken --useless gizmos

Driving Forces

Moore's Law

(Moore's Law refers to the exponential growth of computer capabilities.)

Moore's law drives the obsolesence of the computers, and thus the cycle of people throwing stuff out. All the gizmos we get are here in a large part because of Moore's Law. Someday this will give out and hardware will plateau. At that point the number of gizmos we receive will drop. No one knows when this will happen.

Hardware is getting more complex and more integrated

  • As the PC developed, more components were built into the motherboard, so computers themselves became more integrated.
  • Laptops are more integrated than non-mobile (desktop) PCs.
  • Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) are more integrated than laptops.
  • As more components are integrated, each component becomes itself more complex and difficult to repair.
  • Simultaneously, the price of the integrated components drops.
  • Therefore, the payoff for learning how to repair computers falls as time goes by.
  • Compare this to the car repair and tinkering culture that sprang up when automobiles were simpler, but has largely fallen by the wayside. It seems likely that the same scenario will play out with computers. Interest in building and repairing computers will fade as component integration progresses.
  • Volunteers in the build program are motivated by this tinkering culture, and the fact that this has historically been tightly related to job skills, but that will likely change.

Software plays catch up to hardware

The development of hardware leads the way, and programmers follow up by:

  • first trying to take advantage of the new hardware capabilities, and
  • ultimately trying to squeeze the most out of those capabilities.

Because Moore's Law moves so fast the first item predominates. But at Free Geek, we experiment (a bit) more with the second.

We get obsolete stuff

  • Five year old equipment is what we started giving away.
  • Three year old equipment is what we are giving away now.

Hardware is getting more complex and integrated

  • DVD players (for example) are very cheap to make (buy), but very expensive to fix.
  • In its early days, the autmobile industry went through a period where a significant number of people tinkered with their own cars. Increasing complexity of the cars has killed this culture (mostly).
  • The cycle for computers:
    1. Desktop computers give way to laptops
    2. Laptops give way to PDAs
  • Laptops are more integrated and complicated than desktops
  • PDAs are too integrated to repair if they fail


  • Many of our build volunteers will fall away eventually as computers become too complex to fix.
  • By training people to repair laptops we can extend this
  • Training coders extends things even further
  • Someday Free Geek might just become an organization that does only the following:
    • receives gizmos,
    • triages them (usable + marketable or neither),
    • redistributes usable + marketable gizmos (sales and adoptions)
    • recycles the rest
  • Along the way, the lower end stuff could need to go overseas for maximum impact.

rfs 09:50, 24 Jan 2005 (PST)