ATK Motherboard Testing Procedures

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Revision as of 11:54, 1 August 2007 by Tim (talk | contribs)
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 digraph H {
    node [fontname="Helvetica", fontsize="11"]
    edge [fontname="Helvetica"]
   start           [label="START HERE", shape="box", style="bold"]
   tested          [label="Has the test equipment\nyou're going to use\nbeen tested?"]
   epost           [label="Did the test\nequipment POST?"]
   epost2          [label="Did the test\nequipment POST?"]
   equiptest       [label="Follow the EQUIPMENT\nTEST PROCEDURES\nand return here.", shape="box"]
   trouble         [label="Troubleshoot test\nequipment with\nTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE\nand return here.", shape="box"]
   badtest         [label="Replace bad test\ncomponent and return here.", shape="box"]
   remove          [label="Remove the components\nfrom test\nmotherboard and set them aside.\nReturn the test motherboard\nto the testing kit and\nreplace with the motherboard\nto be tested.", shape="box"]
   button          [label="Connect the power\nbutton (orange & white cable\nto the "power on"pins of the motherboard.", shape="box"]
   716             [label="Follow steps 7-16\nfrom the EQUIPMENT TEST\nPROCEDURES.", shape="box"]
   bpost           [label="Did the board POST?"]
   bpost2          [label="Did the board POST?"]
   trouble2        [label="Troubleshoot motherboard\nwith TROUBLESHOOTING\nGUIDE and return here.", shape="box"]
   advanced        [label="Follow ADVANCED\nTESTING PROCEDURES\nfor motherboard.", style="bold", shape="box"]
   recycle         [label="Recycle the motherboard.", shape="box", style="bold"]