Vancity Project Fund Oct 2007

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C1. Organization info: Staff #: Volunteers #: Annual Budget: $ Year Founded:

C2. Vancity will not support any projects, events or activities associated with companies or organizations that promote the use of weapons, violence, sexual or racial discrimination, exploitation of people or exploitation of the natural environment.

Which other companies and organizations are involved with or supporting this project?

C3. In addition to this grant application, is your organization working with other areas of Vancity? Yes No

If yes, please describe (what support, from which area?)

Do you have any other grant applications pending with the following: YES NO Vancity Vancity Community Foundation Enterprising Non-profits Program Citizens Bank

C4. Please provide a 25 word summary of your project (Funds will be used to support a project that …):

C5. Briefly describe what you plan to do and how Vancity funds will be used. Please outline the following: goals and objectives of the project; specific activities that will be undertaken in the project; deliverables produced by the project; what you hope to achieve. You must attach a concise project work plan and timeline.

C6. Briefly describe your plan for evaluating the goals & objectives of the project. What questions will be addressed? Who will be involved in evaluating this work – staff, board, project participants, community, consultants, etc? How will the results be used? Please identify related costs in your budget.

C7. How many people will directly benefit from the project? C8. In what community will the project primarily take place? C9. The project should draw on the strengths, skills, creativity and other assets of the organization and the community. Briefly describe: What resources and assets will your organization contribute to the project?

What other community resources and assets will you draw on for this project?

C10. Describe your organization’s competence in the area of the proposal and your capacity to carry out this project, including the relevant experience of the staff involved in the project.

C11. The project should build the capacity of the community and the individuals involved in the project. For example: promotes cooperation, respect, mutual understanding; encourages citizen participation in decision-making; develops local leadership; builds community resources, including skills and knowledge. Identify the most important way in which your project will build the capacity of the community and individuals.

C12. Vancity encourages applications for projects that benefit low income and marginalized individuals, groups, or communities. Does your project benefit low income and/or marginalized peoples? Yes No If yes, who benefits and how?

C13. Organizations are encouraged to share the learning from their project with other organizations or the community if appropriate.

Will your project have any learning that can be shared? Yes No If yes, describe how you will share the learning and with whom?

C14. How will Vancity be recognized for its contribution to this project? List all advertising, staff involvement and promotional opportunities.

Vancity reserves the right to use materials relating to its support of this project in its promotional and advertising campaigns.