FGdb brainstorm

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Revision as of 18:07, 17 January 2008 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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  • there aren't enough categories for what people bring in (e.g. All in one printers)
  • the categories don't match the tally form
  • Can't search for receipts by payment type (e.g. invoice) -- you get an error
  • it's too slow
  • when in a receipt (or hours?) can't find people's info (you have to go to contacts to find it)
  • statistics for gizmo statuses report -- you can't specify a whole year. you need to limit it to a few months or less or it times out
  • volunteer scheduling should be online, not on paper. this would eliminate double booking, etc.
  • need easier report generation of things like gizmos given out, gizmos received, hours worked
  • some receipts from the store seemed to disappear last week. i couldn't find the numbers even though i'm sure i didn't delete them
  • we need support for logging in who you are when you work as a cashier and support for which till you're using (authentication and tracking of users)
  • when making a receipt, we should be able to add items that are services and don't therefore have an estimated value. these should be grouped together on the receipt/invoice. for example a fee for picking up donations that might be on a receipt or invoice can't have an estimated tax deductible value associated with it
  • other startups can't use the sales receipts, since there's no sales tax module
  • there's no debian package -- it's hard to install for startups
  • gizmo reports should break out disbursements between granted out and adopted out
  • not every terminal should have access to the database and contact information. users should have to sign in (like we used to have to) for certain parts of the database
  • when there are too many items in a sale, it stops displaying the correct total amount and you have to manually calculate the correct amount in order to finish the transaction
  • stuff that gets sold should be organized by where in the building / which department did the work to get it to us, so we can measure how profitable each department is and where our time is well spent. macs, printers, receiving, laptops, build, monitors, basic testing, advanced testing, etc.
  • tabbing between fields does not go smoothly when creating donation receipts. sometimes you end up on the wrong field and have to reach for the rodent to get where you want. other times it works fine.
  • sometimes the cursor isn't blinking and you don't know where you are and have to click on everything
  • build tasks can't apply towards adoption -- when did that change?
  • how do you find out if a volunteer adopted a computer and when that happened?
  • front desk should be able to merge contact info between duplicates
  • there should be a UI for searching for likely duplicate contacts
  • create a disbursement (i.e. a grant with some miscellaneous items that have been described). you can't see what was disbursed without editing the record to see the descriptions.
  • in the disbursements list, when you click on edit it asks if you want to cancel the current disbursement, but i wasn't entering a disbursement in the first place (same for receipts in store or for donations)
  • in the disbursements list, when you click on edit it asks if you want to cancel the current disbursement. it says "Do you want to Cancel?" and your options are "OK" or "Cancel". They should be "Yes" or "No".
  • when a volunteer signs up for build or adoption, it should automatically check the volunteer box so you can find them when you're looking for volunteers.
  • thing move around unexpectedly, making it hard to enter data
  • there should be a search screen separate from the data entry screen, maybe a tab for each
  • can't access it from the command line
  • entering items in a donation need a block of items created so it flows more smoothly.
  • maybe checkboxes for common items donated
  • we have outgrown this database
  • does not update suggested donation until you set payment type
  • defaults to dumped. should not do that
  • round up suggested donations to the nearest (or higher) $5 increment
  • staff hours are not reported the same way as everything else
  • you can't get good reports
  • searching through web forms is inadequate
  • you have to search for someone before adding them even if you know they've never been added
    • search could happen "behind the scenes" during contact creation and only pop up if a likely duplicate was found

Some of these are duplicates of those above:

BUGS in the database

  • Rails error when searching for a tally of gizmos from a range greater than 3 months
  • When using the tab button in recording donations the next gizmo box is slow to appear. if entering an anonymous donation it does not tab from the zip code area.
  • When updating a contact in “donations” an error message appears “Couldn't find ContactMethod with ID=57138” and yet it does update the contact when

you click cancel. The update will not show on the screen, it will print out on the new receipt.

  • When entering a new volunteer you have to click “volunteer” and “adoptor/build” if you do not they don't show up when entering in hours.


  • I'd like to be able to see all the volunteers I signed up on a particular day.
    • I first looked for this when a volunteer hurt herself and we had just signed her up, but could not find her name.
  • A greater search range in the gizmos report.
  • I'd like to be able to look up how many gizmos came in during a certain time frame so that I could make volunteer reward posters.
  • A way to see if a company has outstanding invoices before accepting a donation from them.
  • The default donor is a “dumped”, it would make more sense to have the default as “named” or I'd like to be able to select a check box with the

tab key to pick one of the 3 options.

  • penguins, real live ones.
  • The whole building could be hooked up to the intercom system so people don't have to run around and find others in the warehouse when super busy.
  • Could the “create” and “”cancel” buttons in donations be farther apart. I have been known to click the wrong one and have to start all over again,
