Basic initial cataloguing

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There are three steps to getting a book in the system.


  1. Go to the Cataloguing tab, then use "Search Bibliography by Search Phrase:" to search for some key words in the title.
    • If the book already exists in the bibliography, click Add new copy.
    • Check the "Autogenerate" checkbox on the next page and click submit.
    • Put the book on the IN PROCESS shelf.
  2. If it doesn't already exist in the bibliography, click Z39.50 Search (on the left side).
  3. Enter the ISBN of the book. You can either type it in, or use the barcode scanner. The scanner can be a little touchy, but if you get the hang of it (and there aren't tags covering the barcode), it's more efficient. If you type it in, you have to press Enter or click the search button on the screen.
    • If it doesn't return book information, put the book on the PROBLEMS CATALOGUING shelf and go back to step 1 with another book.
  4. If you get results, doublecheck the information.
    • If the information is wrong, put the book on the PROBLEMS CATALOGUING shelf and go back to step 1 with another book.
  5. If the information is correct, click submit.
  6. Click the "Autogenerate" checkbox and then click submit.
  7. Make a tick on the count sheet (on the wall).
    • If this is the first book catalogued since the last label printing, write down the Barcode # and date on a new line.
  8. Put the book on the IN PROCESS shelf.
  9. Repeat until the # of ticks on the count sheet is a multiple of 14. Go on to printing (or do another 14).

Label printing

work in progress - to be written


  1. Shelve the book. We'll keep the O'Reilly section separate still, but other than that we'll shelve according to call number.