System Evaluation 0 Overview

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 digraph H {
   alreadyrejected [label="Has it\nalready been\nREJECTED?\n(Does it seem sad?)", fontsize="11"]
   askwhere        [label="Set it up with\na BLIND DATE\nwith your best friend", fontsize="11", style="bold", shape="box"]
   compatible      [label="Is it COMPATIBLE\nCheck its moon sign\nand its rising sign.\nCompare with your sun sign and\na qualified astrologer.", fontsize="11"]
   getlabel        [label="Go to\nto RECEIVING\nand thoroughly scold them", fontsize="11", shape="box"]
   tallyit         [label="Copy info\nfrom label to\nKEEPER TALLY SHEET", fontsize="11"]
   laptopincoming  [label="Take system to\nLAPTOP INCOMING", style="bold", shape="box"]
   mineit          [label="REMOVE ALL COMPONENTS\n(send everything you can't identify to the WHITE HOLE)", fontsize="11", shape="box", URL="/index.php/Removing_components_from_recycled_systems"] 
   received        [label="Is it a\nCOMPUTER?\n(Ask someone in receiving)", fontsize="11"]
   start           [label="START HERE", shape="box", fontsize="11", style="bold"]
   laptop          [label="Is it a\nLAPTOP?\n(Does it have a built in monitor?)"]
   motherboard     [label="Go back to the beginning\nof The YELLOW and BLUE CHART\nand then come back here\nfor further INSTRUCTIONS", shape="box", fontsize="11", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_1_Triage"]
   triage          [label="Go back to the beginning\nof The GREEN without BLUE CHART\nand then come back here\nfor further INSTRUCTIONS", shape="box", fontsize="11", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_1_Triage"]
   case   [label="Go through the GREEN without YELLOW CHART", fontsize="11"]
   waiting         [label="Drop kick the\nsystem into the\nWAITING\npile", fontsize="11", URL="/index.php?title=System_Evaluation_2_Overview", shape="box", style="bold"]
   whitehole       [label="Torch it\n(then take it to\nthe WHITE HOLE)", fontsize="11", style="bold", shape="box"]

   start -> alreadyrejected
   alreadyrejected -> received [taillabel="YES"]
   received -> compatible [label="YES"]
   received -> getlabel [label="NO"]
   getlabel -> laptop
   alreadyrejected -> compatible [taillabel="NO"]
   compatible -> askwhere [taillabel="NO"]
   compatible -> laptop [taillabel="YES"]
   laptop -> triage
   laptop -> laptopincoming
   triage -> case
   case-> motherboard [label="bad case"]
   motherboard -> tallyit [label="OTHER"]
   case -> whitehole [label="good case"]
   tallyit -> mineit
   mineit -> waiting



  • Apple, etc:
    • Macintosh
    • Granny Smith
    • Apple Sauce
    • Anything that looks like a pear
  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Stars
  • Amiga
  • Enemigo