Volunteer Intern Process for Program Coordinators

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This page is to help Volunteer Internship Program Coordinators through the process. If you're supervising an intern and want some guidance, check out the Volunteer Intern Process for Supervisors page.


  • Work with individual staff members to create a detailed job description for a needed internship. The job description is created on the wiki using a template, and then posted on our internships page. When supervisors want to make a change to the job description, they should change the wiki and then alert the program coods so the website can be updated.
  • Screening: be sure the prospective intern is up for the job. Some internships are appropriate for less-skilled or less outgoing interns, and some need real go-getters. Check Volunteer Intern Supervisors for staff member's individual druthers on the subject.
  • After you've decided to bring an intern on:
    • Make sure their schedule is nailed down
    • Nail down paperwork
    • Be sure supervisor enters info into Intern Schedule
    • Change RT ticket priority to something under 50
    • Print and file copy of their application, noting date started on side of page
    • change these steps and re-document as necessary
  • RT stuff:
    • 'Internships' is the queue
    • New apps make new tickets
    • Change the subject to name of applicant, include position applying for after screening
    • 80=new applicant, 30=currently interning, 0=waiting for response/on the chopping block, resolved=gone or didn't work out

Recruitment Blurb

Tack this onto the end of the internship-specific blurb at freegeek.org/internships

Free Geek is a Portland-based non-profit that takes in donated computers, fixes them up, and gives them to volunteers.  We also responsibly recycle hardware that we can't use.  We've been going strong since 2000.  While our interns may earn free computers for themselves, their main function is to support shorter-term volunteers and staff by teaching, helping out, and having a good time.
This is a volunteer position, and while we can't offer any monetary compensation, you'll gain valuable experience for your resume and get that warm, fuzzy feeling that comes with helping out a community-based organization.
We'd like someone with teaching experience for this internship.
To learn about our internships program and let us know that you're interested, go to <a href="http://freegeek.org/internships">freegeek.org/internships</a>.


Quarter 2, 2008


  • 3 Posted to craigslist (1 week), idealist (expires 4/2010), pcc, psu (expires 5/4/08), volunteer match (expires 10/2008), wiserearth:
    • Syseval intern
    • Hardware donations intern
    • Thrift store intern
    • Printer intern
  • 4 Alerted SMS, PCC Sylvania Computer Studies dept. that internships are available
  • 4 Posted to University of Oregon (expires 4/2010), internships.com (no expiration), and Reed College (expires 10/2008) the four internships listed above
  • 10 (Re)posted to Craigslist: syseval, hardware donations, thrift store, printer, wordpress
  • 10 Wordpress posted to idealist, volunteermatch, psu, pcc
  • 15 Wordpress removed from all above
  • 18 Reposted to Craigslist: syseval, printers, harddona, store, adoption
  • 25 Repost to craigslist


  • 4 Repost PSU


Quarter 3, 2008


  • mid-month: supervisor check-in meetings. How're interns? How's program?



Quarter 4, 2008


  • 1 Repost volunteer match and reed college
  • mid-month: supervisor check-in meetings

