Increasing Store Hours

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On this page you will soon see an exquisite plan that delineates the steps that need to be taken in order to open the thrift store for more hours. This could be the move that spearheads the opening of Free Geek for a sixth or even seventh day (every week). How could this work? Do we need another intern? How many people do we need to run all of Free Geek with a skeleton crew?

Put Your Plans Here

Option 1: Skeleton Crew Thrift Store

With Skeleton Crew option Free Geek would open 1 more day. The the only official part of Free Geek that would be open is the Thrift Store. 3 People would be in the store:

  • store lead
  • store backup
  • Phantom receiver

Store lead and store backup are pretty self explanatory. The Phantom receiver is there to take donations when they show up so that donors do not go away sad, and so that the folks running the store don't get burned out trying to be nice to donors dropping things off. When there are no donors, the Phantom Receiver can help out wherever they are needed.


  • Not many people needed to open FG


  • Not a good use of our volunteers
  • Could get very crazy very fast