Jacob's second half project

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Jacob's Project stuff is going on this page

  • This is the proposed plan of action for the project I will be undertaking

for the next few months. Briefly, Luiz and I will be working on a plan for me to hit up administrators at UofP, Reed, Lewis & Clark, Marylhurst, and Willammette colleges for their computers. The following steps are a basic rundown:

Create a narrative/sales pitch


  • From the standpoint of a institution - Environmental toxins, emissions (Co2)...greenhouse stuff is hot not,
    • Problems of obsolescence, space and energy, looking like they care about the environment.These may not be the best angles, but should be firm in the mind when on the mound.
  • From our standpoint - toxins, emissions (31.83 tons of emissions saved by reuse versus 1.39 metric tons of emissions saved by recycling) -- important statistic, but probably need better, more concrete statistics that anyone can relate to, environmental justice, digital divide and education, encouraging use of free/cheap tools (Linux/GNU), staying alive


  • Do nothing, give hardware to friends, sell used stuff to students, storing it (PCC-Sylvania), using a commercial recycler, having IT guys take it and sell in on ebay (us) Sort and grade to reuse what you can, keep the most poisonous things out of landfills, keep everything out of china, sell some of this stuff to pay for staff and education, make the community part of the solution,
    • Try to align common problems between the institutions and FG.
      • What are concerns that both parties have in common?

Ask (feel them out, but ask in some way)

  • Prepare questions and ways of asking based on predicted scenarios?
  • Who to ask
  1. Administrators (pretty high up)
  2. IT folk
  3. student body (esp, student newspapers)
  4. alumni groups
  • Possible persuasive notes:
  1. City contract (bandwagon, credibility)
  2. Vanguard (how many schools are participating in an electronic recycling project like this?)
  3. media attention (good for both parties involved)

WIIFT (What's In It For Them)

  • May actually provide answers to the objections

Objections (to overcome)

  • Who cares?
    • The students, esp left-leaning
      • This may even provide an opportunity to connect with students at the colleges
    • The public: this provides an excellent opportunity for the colleges to strengthen their ties to the community by showing an interest in the environment and support for FG who not only has an environmental, but a social commitment
      • Connecting with the public also creates a buzz amongst alumni who the school is always looking to for contributions.
  • My existing arrangement works...why change?
  • How do I know you guys are legit?
  • Will my data be safe
  • Can I have control over what happens to our stuff
  • What happens to your stuff downstream (after it leaves FG)?

Brainstorm (needs to be reviewed/edited)

  • statistics -- metric tons, any others that are important, may further pitch?
  • use buzz words that may trigger preexisting sentiments
  • what's in it for them?
    • looking good, bandwagon (city), trying something new, doing the right thing, media/press, promotion to alumni/prospective students, tax breaks!
  • Why? they have been doing the same thing for (probably) two decades -- why change it up now? Opportunity to give back to the community by supporting an organization that commits to recycle the electronics only if they can not be reused. Their equipment is probably reallly good, a lot will probaqbly be reused.
    • They will become a part of the outcome of the equipment -- confounding ignorance
    • It's easy, they can tell us where to go and we will get it. No need for repackaging.
  • Contracts? Do they require paperwork? There doesn't need to be any, beuracracy (DDOH!)
  • Why would they object? What are reasons for balking?
    • we're friggin' unprofessional, don't care, they have their ways...don't believe our commie lies,
    • Lawyers, data assurance, privacy issues
      • Wipe it first!
  • know the process -- where does it go from here and why is it the best alternative?


Emissions life cycle

Create a fact sheet/video presentation

Letters, Faxes, Emails to college officials

Make appointments and give a brief presentation to said administrators

Follow-up with said administrators
