Board 2008 07

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When: 9 Jul 2008 6pm
Place: FG meeting room
Facilitator: Marie
Scribe: laurel
Minutes Checker:
Attendance: Marie, Jon, Oso, Seamus, Mary Kate, Richard,
Last meeting:


  • Marie - will contact Tim. DONE by seamus
  • Laurel and Marie - jump start Building Committee DONE, maybe find time for workshop with Julie NOT DOING
  • Board - hash out & approve budget DONE
  • Everyone will think about their 10 hour commitments - NEEDS WORK
  • Tim will followup on various insurance policies (with Jeff and Shawn) - NEED TO REASSIGN; see below
  • Tim will go to First Tech - carryover - NEED TO REASSIGN; see below


Budget: RFS/MK

  • There's an anomalous number that we think is just a mistake in the payroll for last month; they are still tracking down the problem.
  • Estimates after the end of the year are guesses based on predictions of what might happen due to the ewaste legislation.
  • Oso - we've signed a statement of intent to participate with MRM (manufacturer-run recycling program), which will start in Oct. (See last week's email from Dave on signing.) This may allow us to start taking computers for free and getting $.03/lb for computers. Oso says we can participate in both. One benefit of participation will get us advertising funded by the mfrs.
    • If we agree to the MRM project, we need to be sure that it still allows us to do our own marketing.
  • We are expecting a drop in donations because we won't have the cue of the monitor fee to get people giving us money.
  • Flexibility will be the order of the day for the first couple of Qtrs 2009
  • Improving things like tech infrastructure
  • Budgeting for fuel: overestimating the miles and price of fuel currently. We may expect some increase in mileage after the public becomes more aware of our ability to do pickups.
  • When are we going to start getting computers from the city? We need to hammer out the arrangement first.
  • Paid fees because of our tax mistakes; the preparer thinks we may get some of this back but we're not budgeting that.
  • Seamus: When will we be done with repairing our taxes for '06-07? MK: Hopefully, it'll be done by the deadline of August 15. If not, we can file for another extension. Marie: how does this reflect on our auditability? Well, we have secured ourselves the help of a professional to help us with the taxes.

New proposed one-time expenses

  • Classroom revamp - $5000 requested; request a more detailed plan and budget before approval
  • Front desk revamp - $3000; floor has become dangerous. We have materials and a crew. It's possible it may be free, but if the volunteers are not available the money is backup.


  • Link to relevint conversation.
    (Summarize Presentation)
  • List Clarifing Questions
    • Question - Answer
  • List Concerns
    • Concern - Questions Which Clarify the Concern
  • Proposal:
    (final proposal)
    • Decision adopted (with Unresolved Concerns Listed - AKA Stand Asides) | Send to Committee (if creating a new committee list intrested people)


New commitments, and Carry-Overs copied from above.
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)
  • Name - commitment - status (discussion points if necessary)

Next Meeting

  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Reporters to other meetings?
  • Date and time:
  • Place:
  • List of unfinished business for the next meeting:
    • all report on 10-hour commitments