Talk:Council Orientation

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Revision as of 11:41, 16 October 2008 by Anne (talk | contribs)
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My goal here is to create a one-page orientation document that can be given to new and prospective council members so that they can better get up to speed on what it's for and what's going on. Comments welcome. --Ideath

As a newbie I have more questions than proposals but I thought my newbie perspective might be helpful.

1. The Attendance and Membership section is confusing. Maybe the second sentence is the problem. Can you "participate fully" if you are not yet a "council member"? What really is the difference between the powers of a guest and the powers of a council member? Should the minutes always reflect who is a guest and who is a member?

2. I proposed changes in the Participation and Preparation section to reflect only 2 categories: guests and members. The third category that was in there ("others who do not fully participate") has an arbitrary/exclusionary ring to it.

3. Regarding the Conflict of Interest policy, I haven't seen this done. Should it be the Facilitator's job to bring it up, maybe at the third Council meeting someone attends?

4. Regarding consensus training: good idea, why hasn't it happened at the last 3 council meetings? Anne 18:41, 16 October 2008 (UTC)