User:Ryan52/old todo

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< User:Ryan52
Revision as of 12:42, 6 December 2008 by Ryan52 (talk | contribs) (add some stuff)
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o hai

Because I don't like trac. I probably don't like any project management program for that matter. Using this because I loose TODO files on my system too easily. :p

todo list

working on

  • add stuff here

blocker for this release

  • disbursements contracts integration (editing a system's contract, seeing it, &c)
  • printme contracts fixing

for this release

  • add rfs's migrations
  • removed "fee discount" lines when editing. (#575)
  • gizmo report should say what contract is in title

for next release

  • covered vs not covered
  • "power user" multiple systems per line item
  • get rid of backup table

should do soonish

  • cashiers
  • fix library stuff
  • make fgdb more secure

for a rainy day

  • fgss generic regexps
  • move the vendor/plugins to their own submodules...maybe I shoulda done this first, since it's gonna get even more messy with the git bug...anyway, too late for that, whatever. I'll work it out :)
  • work on library stuff
  • reform the "what I did today" section to be a changelog of fgdb.rb. We should keep track of when what happens. maybe I'll move it to it's own page once it has something useful in it.


likes this:

  • reports over time

what I did today


  • finished switching to git


  • setup this page


  • added base support for address based routing