User:Ryan52/old todo

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Revision as of 20:56, 12 December 2008 by Ryan52 (talk | contribs) (err, this is wiki)
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o hai

Because I don't like trac. I probably don't like any project management program for that matter. Using this because I loose TODO files on my system too easily. :p

todo list

working on

  • vhost based routes for separating fgdb and library, and having a setup page. I'm working on this at a glaciers pace, but I'm still working on it.

BLOCKERS for this release

  • fix the yellow bar showing up at weird times
  • check table alignment for the gizmo event line items in all of the transactions. I think one of them got messed up with the last batch of changes.

things left for git

  • gitweb on devo (currently have it on my vps...)
  • trac
  • cruise control
  • rewrite the commit email script -- it sucks
  • figure out somewhere for the devel data to live that is faster than the horrible freegeek dsl

for next release

the first part

  • small database changes (#573, #574, #576, #577, #547, #579)
  • fix inflector bugs with newer rails version
  • search by contract
  • adding contracts and contacts to contracts
  • "power user" multiple systems per line item
  • security fixing
    • XSS (use ruby's h method from cgi.rb)
    • CSRF (use rails' protect_from_forgery and verify methods)
    • check for SQL injection, we won't have to worry about this in most places since we use active record, but the reports where we use SQL directly should be checked.

the second part

  • covered vs not covered

should do soonish

  • fix library stuff
  • make fgdb more secure
  • improve version compatibility in printme
  • settings page

for a rainy day

  • get rid of duplicated data in code

- conditions stuff is all over the place - permissions for various controllers are split between the sidebar and the controller itself

  • fgss generic regexps
  • move the vendor/plugins to their own submodules...maybe I shoulda done this first, since it's gonna get even more messy with the git bug...anyway, too late for that, whatever. I'll work it out :)
  • work on library stuff
  • reform the "what I did today" section to be a changelog of fgdb.rb. We should keep track of when what happens. maybe I'll move it to it's own page once it has something useful in it.


likes this:

  • reports over time

what I did today


  • cashiers tracking
  • disbursements contracts integration (editing a system's contract, seeing it while disbursing, &c)
  • fixed thin to restart better
  • removed "fee discount" lines when editing. (#575)
  • fixed printme's behavior with contracts to try to prevent user error as much
  • show contract name on the printme reports, and on the gizmo reports
  • fix editing a printme report with the contracts (through the GUI)


  • finished switching to git


  • setup this page


  • added base support for address based routing